Things to do in Vancouver This Weekend May 28-30
byWelcome to Step 1 of BC’s new Restart Plan! Restaurants are open with indoor and outdoor dining, we can have outdoor gatherings with up to 10 friends or family, and it looks like we’re on course for a really fun – and safe – summer in the province. This weekend you can book your free entry at Burnaby Village Museum, catch some great online programming, or visit a local attraction. Find this and more fun things to do in Vancouver this weekend below:

Things to do in Vancouver This Weekend
Friday, May 28, 2021
Sponsored by Miss604: Burnaby Village Museum
Shari Ulrich Hosts My Sister’s Voice
Scott Smith’s Adventures in Pedal Steel
Vancouver Startup Week
Burrard Arts: Artists in Residence, Kriss Munsya & Rydel Cerezo
OURO Collective and Tangible present HAKO
entre chien et loup
Art Walk Strathcona
Uncanny Tales: Storytime for Adults
TWObigsteps Collective: Marissa Wong/Katie Cassady
Rumpus Room – A Jenn Brisson Experience
VSO: A Tale of Two Richards
explorASIAN: “The Oriental Voice” Virtual Concert
Best of Parker St at Gallery George
Upintheair Theatre Presents 2021 rEvolver Festival
Vancouver International Dance Festival – Camp
Crafted Vancouver
Saturday, May 29, 2021
Sponsored by Miss604: Aunt Leah’s Virtual Trivia Extravaganza
Sponsored by Miss604: Burnaby Village Museum
TWObigsteps Collective: Marissa Wong/Katie Cassady
Rumpus Room – A Jenn Brisson Experience
Art Walk Strathcona
Burrard Arts: Artists in Residence, Kriss Munsya & Rydel Cerezo
Virtual Workshop: Bundle Dyes and Hapazome
Nature Interpretation – Lake Route
Girls and STEAM Mentor Cafe – Artificial Empathy
OURO Collective and Tangible present HAKO
entre chien et loup
Best of Parker St at Gallery George
Super Saturday at the Fraser River Discovery Centre
Virtual Workshop: Bundle Dyes and Hapazome with CZarina Lobo
Spot Prawn Festival 2021 – Virtual Event
Stanley Park Train
Upintheair Theatre Presents 2021 rEvolver Festival
Vancouver International Dance Festival – Camp
Crafted Vancouver
Summer Farmers Markets
Sunday, May 30, 2021
Sponsored by Miss604: Burnaby Village Museum
OURO Collective and Tangible present HAKO
Upintheair Theatre Presents 2021 rEvolver Festival
Intro to Stained Glass
Stanley Park Train
Burrard Arts: Artists in Residence, Kriss Munsya & Rydel Cerezo
Crafted Vancouver
Art Walk Strathcona
Best of Parker St at Gallery George
Summer Farmers Markets
Month-Long Exhibitions/Attractions
- Bill Reid Gallery
- Vancouver Art Gallery
- Museum of Anthropology
- Place des Arts
- Museum of Vancouver
- Vancouver Maritime Museum
- Grouse Mountain
- Science World
- Capilano Suspension Bridge Park
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