Virtual Museum Tours in Vancouver
byIn a time of social distancing and isolation with the COVID-19 outbreak, many attractions and Spring Break activities have been cancelled. If you’re home with the kids all week, or are looking for alternative and educational entertainment to experience from your couch, I’ve found a few virtual museum tours in Vancouver that you can experience.

Virtual Museum Tours in Vancouver
From Travel + Leisure’s 12 Museums to Visit From Your Couch: According to Fast Company, Google Arts & Culture teamed up with over 500 museums and galleries around the world to bring anyone and everyone virtual tours and online exhibits of some of the most famous museums around the world. Here are some local options:
- Vancouver Art Gallery: Browse the works of Emily Carr online
- Vancouver Archives Online: Discover where I’ve found inspiration for historic photo features of hats, moustaches, coffee shops, Lost Lagoon, the Seawall, the original Birks building and more.
- Surrey Art Gallery: Current and past Digital Art exhibitions online.
- SFU’s Museum of Archaeology & Ethnology: Artifacts online.
- North Vancouver Museum and Archives: A series of exhibitions and slideshows online.
- New Westminster Museum and Archives: Search the archives online and look up old timey photos of the city.
- You can browse the Bill Reid Gallery art collection online.
- Museum of Anthropology: A collection of online resources including films, documents, and photos.
Looking for nature? Check out the live Stanley Park Heron Cam and the Vancouver Aquarium’s Otter Cam.
Looking for learning resources? Scholastic Canada has free lessons and programs available online for families.
Related: Free Concerts to Watch at Home During COVID-19 Distancing, Top 10 History Post on Miss604, Vancouver Icons Photo Series