France Vancouver Fireworks Photos
byThe Honda Celebration of Light fireworks continued in Vancouver last night as hundreds of thousands people packed English Bay and the surrounding shores to watch France’s display.
Beaches are getting full and boats are jockeying for position. No reported issues & great crowds. #Air1 photo
— Vancouver Police (@VancouverPD) July 31, 2014
Thanks to those who shared their photos with the Miss604 Flickr Pool and #Photos604 on Instagram, I have another wonderful collection of images to share that give you just a sample of what summer fireworks nights are like in Vancouver:
France Vancouver Fireworks Photos

Photo credit: Thomas Bullock on Flickr
Photo credit: SeaSide Signs ~ Vancouver, BC on Flickr
Photo credit: Claude Martin & Claude Martin on Flickr
Photo credit: Claude Martin on Flickr
Photo credit: Philip on Flickr
Photo credit: Don Janus on Flickr
Photo credit: Don Janus on Flickr
Photo credit: SeaSide Signs ~ Vancouver, BC on Flickr
Photo credit: Alan W on Flickr
As always, please click through on these images to view more work from the photographers and feel free to share your own photos with the Miss604 Flickr Pool or with the tag #Photos604 on Instagram. View all photo collections here.
The final fireworks night this summer is Saturday, August 2nd as we see what Japan has to offer.
Win a Trip to France!
The Honda Celebration of Light is also hosting a photo contest with KLM, here are the details: Upload your best picture of the fireworks at the 2014 Honda Celebration of Light in the Entries section of this website. When voting opens, get your friends (and friends of friends) to vote for your picture. They can vote once a day for one week. Once voting has closed, a panel of industry experts will decide who gets to go on the trip.