Things to do in Vancouver This Weekend August 21-23, 2020
byFestivals, markets, drive throughs, and sunflowers! We’ll get a break from the scorching summer heat over the next few days but the online events, virtual fests and socially distanced activities will continue. Here are just a few things to do in Vancouver this weekend, online and beyond:

Things to do in Vancouver This Weekend
Friday, August 21, 2020
Vancouver Mural Festival
Vancouver Queer Film Festival
Summer at Nikkei Garden
Got Craft? Virtual Market
GOAT-erdays at Taves Farm
VMF Mural Tours presented by Herschel Supply
PNE 2020, a Drive Through Fair
Sunflower Sip and Stroll at Taves Farm
Vancouver Biennale Summer BIKEnnale/WALKennale
Monsoon Festival of Performing Arts
Field Day Fest 2020 | Sunset Concert Series
Sunflower Festivals/Events Near Vancouver
HUB Cycling Bike to Shop
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Maple Ridge Drive-In Movie
Uptown Live Virtual
Got Craft? Virtual Market
Sexy Laundry at the Arts Club
PNE 2020, a Drive Through Fair
Brentwood Great Takeout Food Truck Festival
Summer Socials at The B w/ Hebegebe & DJ SOO
Historic Powell Street Walking Tour
Railway Heritage Park Open (Squamish)
Sunflower Sip and Stroll at Taves Farm
Vancouver Mural Festival
Vancouver Queer Film Festival
Field Day Fest 2020 | Sunset Concert Series
Vancouver Biennale Summer BIKEnnale/WALKennale
Monsoon Festival of Performing Arts
Summer at Nikkei Garden
Riley Park Farmers Market
Trout Lake Farmers Market
West End Farmers Market
Sunflower Festivals/Events Near Vancouver
HUB Cycling Bike to Shop
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Vancouver Mural Festival
Art in the Park
Afro Van Connect Presents The Black Market and Gallery
Sexy Laundry at the Arts Club
IMADE Nation Virtual Market
PNE 2020, a Drive Through Fair
Field Day Fest 2020 | Sunset Concert Series
Vancouver Queer Film Festival
Sunflower Sip and Stroll at Taves Farm
Vancouver Biennale Summer BIKEnnale/WALKennale
Monsoon Festival of Performing Arts
Mount Pleasant Farmers Market
Kitsilano Farmers Market
Sunflower Festivals/Events Near Vancouver
HUB Cycling Bike to Shop
For more fun in the sun, in open spaces with fewer faces, check out 6 Gardens to Visit in Vancouver This Summer and 5 Summer Walking Tours in Vancouver to Try During COVID-19 for inspiration.
View the full AUGUST event list online here. If you have an event to add, please send it in by email for a free listing. Follow Miss604 on Twitter for more daily updates.