Vancouverites in Isolation Elsewhere: Duane in Spain

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I have reached out to some of my friends around the globe who are originally from the “604” area to see how they’re doing during the COVID-19 pandemic. Here is the second in the Vancouverites in Isolation Elsewhere series:

Vancouverites in Isolation Elsewhere: Duane in Spain

Name: Duane (Website, Twitter)
Hometown: Chilliwack
Current City/Home: Valencia, Spain

Vancouverites in Isolation Elsewhere Duane in Spain

What is your city like right now?

Spain declared a state of emergency 10 days ago. We are on almost a country-wide lockdown: we are only able to get groceries, visit the grocery store, or walk a dog. Some people are renting their dogs for a few hours (true story).

How has COVID-19 personally impacted your day-to-day (work/life routine)?

I work from home anyways, so I can get work done at home fine.  But it does change your mental state, knowing that you are stuck at home for the foreseeable future.  I find I’m nowhere near as productive as I normally end.  Strangely I still have no desire to do laundry, even though I have lots of time for it :0

How have you been coping with isolation/quarantine/lockdown?

I use Zoom to keep in touch with friends here in Valencia and also back home as well.  We try to do the occasional chat with wine to catch up and give4 each other moral support.  

Duane's new home in Valencia (2019 photo)
Duane’s new home in Valencia (2019 photo)

What have you been cooking at home?

 I’ve been making a lot of sourdough bread.  Also chilli con carne and bolognese sauce -mostly things I can make in batches that I can freeze.

Do you have enough toilet paper?

Yes, I have lots! And thankfully if that runs out, almost everyone here in Spain has a bidet (including me).

What’s keeping you most entertained?

 I am playing lots of guitar, reading, and also catching up on Netflix in the evenings. 

What makes you happy right now?

I welcome any distraction – emails like these, chats with friends, new music. I am not a big fan of sharing internet memes, but during this crisis I’ve actually enjoyed it a lot. Strangely in times like this a little gallows humour can sometimes be a way to cope.

Any advice for Vancouverites?

Please stay home.  We didn’t listen to Italy when they warned us, and now North America isn’t listening to us here in Spain.  But it’s coming fast, and you will soon find yourself in the same situation. So please take it seriously, and stay safe.

Fill in the blank: When this is all over I really __

When this is all over I really want to sit outside in the sun and slowly sip on a café con leche.

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Duane in Spain
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Read more in my COVID-19 news and community series here »

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