No Muse Isn't Good News

Comments 6 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Update: I have two tickets to the Festival, Sunday May 20th $45/each. Drop me a line via the Contact Form if you’re interested – thanks!

Update to my post about the Virgin Festival in Vancouver, May 21-22 [Miss604]. As of February 10th, Muse has officially been removed from the bill for the Sunday show at the Festival. I am 90% ready to sell my tickets to the event right now.

Tourist in Your Hometown

Comments 7 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Victoria Last year we were on hiatus (mostly due to my whole ‘getting married’ thing) but the family girls weekend is a go in a couple of weeks. For several years my mother, sister, aunt, niece and I have ferried over to Victoria for a 3-4 day weekend of Hotel pampering, spa sessions, shopping and touring about the city. It just so happens that our little trip coincides with the city’s annual “Be a Tourist in Your own Hometown” event. Basically, townies are invited to purchase a pass which includes anything from free admission to museums and attractions, free coffees or half price discounts for over 30 places around town.

It allows us to have a little getaway and see a lot more than we would normally because a) it saves a lot of money b) it gives you ideas about what exactly you can do in Victoria. I know we’re not from town but they usually give us a break at the Tourist Infocentre when we pop in every year.

Vancouver could really use something like this, sure we’re inundated with tourists daily but I’ve never been up Grouse Mountain and never gone up the Harbour Centre tower. Does this make me a bad local? I don’t really find a need to check out our tourist spots but I’d like to be able to play host when my in-law family comes to town. I’m sure they’d rather like to see the Vancouver John and I experience though, and not what’s plastered on the front of brochures and in promotional videos. For me, that view of Victoria works just fine when I experience it every 360 days, but I’m certain there’s much more to the city than an Undersea Garden and Miniature World.

A Poor Man's Food

Comments 9 by Rebecca Bollwitt

smoochiesI used to call it Valentimes when I was little, I’m sure most other kids did too, until they were 6.

John and I got married around this time last year (Feb. 25), so due to budget constraints this month we had to choose between a mid-week Hallmark celebration or a weekend-long 1st anniversary extravaganza. The latter won out.

There won’t be any flowers or heart-shaped boxes exchanged this Wednesday in our house. Aside from moving the lovey dovey day’s festivities to our anniversary weekend, it’s also the day before payday. We’ll probably hang out and watch the Canucks game and do a little making out.

We’re going to apply any romantic ideas that we come up with for Valentine’s, on the 25th instead. We’re thinking of a restaurant that we’ve never been to or doing something fancy and fun in this city, but I can’t for the life of me think of what that might be. Although passing by Science World on the Skytrain this weekend I saw the banners for the chocolate exhibit mmm I wonder if it’s edible [ScienceWorld].

Although some of those plans seem fine and dandy, realistically an ideal day with my husband would include a walk in the park, making some dinner together (after grocery shopping at the market), and getting some good ‘ol cranberry Slurpees, which would of course be spiked. I’m also pretty sure that if we could do all of the above naked, then it would be his ideal day.

The Paralancer

Comments 5 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Petting BenjiLast night I had 2 glasses of wine, a burger from Deighton’s Well (which was named after Jack Deighton, who was Gassy Jack, who is the namesake for Gastown…) topped off with a paralancer.

This morning I got up, did an adventure race, ate a bowl full of sashimi and drank 4 beers (really fast).

I’m not feeling the best today.

John‘s going to head to the Canucks game tonight and I think I’ll spend the evening try to detox.

Update: I just realized this is his first “guys night out” since we got married. I also just realized that the Canucks won every game he’s attended. Maybe I should send him out to games more often…

Spam Taunts

Comments 4 by Rebecca Bollwitt

When John set me up with WordPress he installed a helpful little plugin that sorts through comments and tosses aside anything deemed ‘spam‘. I can then browse through the comments later and dump them all in one click of a button. Sometimes the numbers are painfully high but the benefit is that, I don’t really have to filter anything myself, it’s all done for me. Occasionally I’ll pass through the spam just to check and see if anything of value was misplaced. Honestly, I get a kick lately out of some of the comments and what they say, here’s a sample of what I see as I scroll through:


  • No more spam, man!
  • Delete this spam!
  • I hate spammers!
  • Spammers suck a lot
  • You have so much spam in here

They just sit there, taunting me, (and cracking me up), until my all-powerful finger hits the appropriate key and ZAP! They’re all deleted. I’ve shared this with John every now and then and it seems as though I don’t have it too bad. These types of spam comments sure do beat the ones he gets about products to help improve his “performance”.