Spam Taunts

Comments 4 by Rebecca Bollwitt

When John set me up with WordPress he installed a helpful little plugin that sorts through comments and tosses aside anything deemed ‘spam‘. I can then browse through the comments later and dump them all in one click of a button. Sometimes the numbers are painfully high but the benefit is that, I don’t really have to filter anything myself, it’s all done for me. Occasionally I’ll pass through the spam just to check and see if anything of value was misplaced. Honestly, I get a kick lately out of some of the comments and what they say, here’s a sample of what I see as I scroll through:


  • No more spam, man!
  • Delete this spam!
  • I hate spammers!
  • Spammers suck a lot
  • You have so much spam in here

They just sit there, taunting me, (and cracking me up), until my all-powerful finger hits the appropriate key and ZAP! They’re all deleted. I’ve shared this with John every now and then and it seems as though I don’t have it too bad. These types of spam comments sure do beat the ones he gets about products to help improve his “performance”.

4 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. JennyThursday, February 8th, 2007 — 4:27pm PST

    Corned beef hash is good. I want some.

  2. Miss604Thursday, February 8th, 2007 — 4:46pm PST

    Come to think of it, Bradley’s comments don’t really stray too far from these… hmm..

  3. JennyThursday, February 8th, 2007 — 5:02pm PST

    Ha ha.. when they made him sign the guest book at church and enter in his personal info he asked the lady.. ‘you’re not going to spam me now are you?’ … I think the joke was lost on the 70 year old greeter 😐

  4. BradleyThursday, February 8th, 2007 — 5:58pm PST

    fine, ill never comment again

    this is my last one.

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