100 Years of Rotary: Vancouver Events
byRotary International is celebrating 100 years in BC through community events around the province including a festival in Vancouver this weekend:

1917 – VPL #: 20220 & 1920 – VPL #: 20805. Dominion Photo Co.
Party on the Plaza
When Friday, April 19, 2013 from 5:00pm to 9:00pm
Where Jack Poole Plaza
What Free family festival with cauldron lighting at 6:00pm. Live entertainment includes the Langley Ukulele Ensemble and a feature performance by Abra Cadabra. A special VIP reception will raise funds for the Rotary Foundation.
Rotary Projects Showcase
When Saturday, April 20, 2013 from 12:00pm to 4:00pm
Where Vancouver Convention Centre
What Open to all Rotary Clubs in British Columbia to showcase their projects and the good work of Rotary. All Rotarians, guests and public welcome. Free admission.
Centennial Gala
When Saturday, April 20, 2013 from 6:00pm
Where Vancouver Convention Centre
What Gala dinner with special guest Stephen Lewis, tickets available online.
About Rotary in BC
Rotary is an international service organization dedicated to improving the lives of others both locally and around the world. Chartered in 1913, the Rotary Club of Vancouver was the first Rotary club in the Province, starting growth that today sees more than 145 clubs and 6,000 Rotarians active in service in British Columbia. Millions of dollars are raised and contributed every year to major projects such as the Rotary Hearing Centre at St. Paul’s Hospital, Rotary World Help which ships containers of used medical and education equipment to needy countries, and the global eradication of Polio as well as numerous projects in local communities.
The Rotary Club of Vancouver meets every Tuesday at 12:00pm at the Terminal City Club, 837 West Hastings and guests are always welcome.