Vancouver's Raincity All Stars Cover Beijing 2008

Comments 6 by Rebecca Bollwitt

For years the guys over at Raincity Studios have had my back when it comes to social media in this town so naturally when I hear they’re making waves across the globe, I’m happy to report on it.

kk+ me Scales and me

They’re all about outreach, community, and spreading the gospel of digital media along with the power of the citizen journalist and they’ve taken Beijing by storm, despite the obstacles of great firewall proportions.

If you’ve been following Kris Krug’s Tweets or his amazing Flickr stream (side note check out his new tattoo) you’ll know that he and Robert Scales (CEO) have been spending much time in China.

Photo credit: Kris Krug on Flickr

As a result of their photos and microblogging about the events unfolding around them, they have garnered much attention from mass media outlets around the world, especially in the days leading up to the Olympics and their involvement in the International Symposium on Olympic Studies.

Photo credit: Kris Krug on Flickr

Blogosphere guru and our good friend DaveO has a list of all of kk+ and scales coverage over on the Raincity Blog including links to YouTube videos and Flickr sets.

Photo credit: Kris Krug on Flickr

If you’re wondering what the summer games are like from a civilian perspective enhanced with social media know how, stay tuned to their Twitter [scales / kk] and Flickr [scales / kk] feeds for coverage. Additionally, I hear Kris (also of Static Photography) is looking to get into the men’s basketball event and in exchange he’ll trade off some photography, which I think would be well worth it to anyone.

6 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. Jenny, BloggessThursday, August 7th, 2008 — 3:38am PDT

    Those photographs are AMAZING. One more person to add to my flickr contacts…

  2. kk+Thursday, August 7th, 2008 — 1:55pm PDT

    Thx for the love Bex! Miss ya over here. 2010 we roll together! 🙂

  3. DaveOThursday, August 7th, 2008 — 2:17pm PDT

    Beauty eh. Fun to follow along with their hi-jinks.

  4. John BollwittThursday, August 7th, 2008 — 4:23pm PDT

    @daveo – No doubt. Their stuff is amazing.

  5. Phillip JeffreyFriday, August 8th, 2008 — 3:43am PDT

    2010 athletes village parties. Mapping out a game plan involving Swedish athletes :P.

  6. Olympic Blogs for the People » Vancouver Blog Miss 604Sunday, August 10th, 2008 — 9:27pm PDT

    […] searched around a bit for some blogs, twitters and Flickr photos (most of which are coming from Kris and Scales) but here are some other bits of coverage from the social media […]

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