The Art of Giving – Photography for a Cause

Comments 3 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Example of Kris Krug‘s
Photos on Flickr

I’m all about supporting a good cause through my site especially when it also involves supporting friends in the Vancouver techosphere.

Kris Krug founder of Static Photography, President of Raincity Studios, organizer of PhotoCamps and giver of playful nicknames will have five of his photos on display at an artshow next week.

Where: Orb Clothing, 2028 West 4th Avenue, Vancouver, BC
When: Thursday June 26th, 6:30pm

I’m so thankful to be included in this cool event and hope you all can come out and join me on the 26th for the opening and auction. This is only my third time showing my work publicly in this way. You know… Prints. Hung. On walls… and I’m totally excited. []

The Art of Giving exhibit will be at Orb Clothing and will also feature works from Rick Haywood, Zoe Pawlak, Judy Schallar, and Stephanie Wightman. Admission is free and 20% of proceeds will go to the non-profit of the buyer’s choice.

3 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. naleiMonday, June 16th, 2008 — 11:08am PDT

    I love the local elevation of arts in Vancouver. When we showcase the creativity within our city, we are all better off for it and can really show what we are made of. Count me in- and first dibs on the photo shown above. Congrats, Kris!

  2. RaulMonday, June 16th, 2008 — 11:24am PDT

    Congrats, definitely!

  3. kk+Monday, June 16th, 2008 — 11:52am PDT

    *squish* thx bexxx!
    i so do love giving nicknames. 🙂

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