No Tyee Love for Us

Comments 4 by Rebecca Bollwitt

On December 7th, 2005 I wrote to the editor of The Tyee, wanting to add a couple blogs to their new blogroll. Looking back at the email, I sent them my url, John’s and also Dave O‘s. (Dave was one of the first blogger/podcasters that got in touch with John when he first moved up here and they’ve been friends ever since… aww).
The Tyee

Well, 6 months passed and we still hadn’t been added, so I wrote another email. This time I kindly gave them my url again, John’s url and since they seemed to be linking to podcasts, I sent them the link for RadioZoom. I received a nice reply, thanking me for emailing again. It said that they update every month so we’ll be included next time, which sounded great.

It’s been quite a while since December of 2005, and I was just wondering – why are we still not listed on The Tyee’s blog roll? John and I have been podcasting in this town since October of 2005 (and now have another Vancouver podcast) and my little blog’s been around 3 years now – not to mention when you Google “Vancouver Blog” this here site is in the top 5. But no matter what our “credentials” my little emails just seem to have been forgotten.

I’m tempted to send another quick email (also including Gus Greeper‘s blog because I noticed she’s not on there either), but I’ll just write a post about it, because well… I am a blogger. I have nothing against The Tyee, it’s a great source of news, they have informative columns and they take a friendly, independent approach to new media issues. I was just wondering… are we being snubbed?

Update: Got a nice note from the editor, I’ll resubmit our info (*crosses fingers*)

4 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. JamesWednesday, March 28th, 2007 — 9:08am PDT

    If it makes you feel any better I sent them a note to be included years ago too and got no love. The whole process seems entirely hit or miss and you should not take it personally at all.

    I have a feeling that the ‘add me’ requests go to an email inbox that no one looks at or to the email inbox of someone who sees this task as low on their priorities list. Unfortunately, they don’t realize that to build any sort of common community around their site they have to be open and responsive or people stop believing in a connection.

  2. gusgreeperWednesday, March 28th, 2007 — 4:23pm PDT

    im getting used to be subbed on the internet. some days it pisses me off some days i don’t care. it is more frustrating i find i fit in with lots of Americans, people outside of BC and people outside North America but locally i for sure feel snubbed. of course not by you and john…in general. but it could be my fault, maybe people think im not nice, when i was un-medicated i wasn’t exactly coming off as friendly, the majority of my readers have been reading almost from day one i think that also keeps me from finding new blogs as often as i should.

  3. ZanstormMonday, April 2nd, 2007 — 6:30pm PDT

    Hey, my brother writes for that paper on occasion…..

  4. CareyWednesday, June 13th, 2007 — 10:14pm PDT

    It took me a couple of tries, too. I sent an email with my url and got an email back requesting my I thought of sending back “2+2=” or “tHiS tExT.” Are they robots?:)

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