Almost the Best Local Blog in Canada

Comments 12 by Rebecca Bollwitt

The results of the Canadian Blog Awards are in… *drumroll*… and has been ranked the 3rd best local blog in the country.

almost goodest!

Considering that the bulk of Canadians voters are (as usual) back East, and that I was the only blog from BC nominated in this category, I find this a great feat and extend my sincerest thanks to everyone who voted for me!

Huge congratulations go to WindsorEats, who placed first, International Metropolis who came in second, and also BlogTO and Spacing Toronto.

Thanks again to everyone who voted, Saskboy and his team for producing on the awards, and also to Paul Hillsdon who I believe originally nominated me. I hope I can continue to serve, inform, and represent Vancouverites (or at least chicks who come from Surrey) in the coming year and beyond.

Miss604 Ad Space:

Comments 5 by Rebecca Bollwitt

As stated when I first started making my site open for advertisements, I will always disclose when a blog post is a part of a paid advertisement. As I choose my advertisers probably as carefully as they choose me, I make sure to proudly support local business.


My latest advertiser has opted in for a blog post writeup so here’s a brief interview I had with Na’im of Continue reading this post ⟩⟩

New Episodes of RadioZoom and The Crazy Canucks

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The first ever meetup of any kind that John and I attended was the Podcaster Meetup in February of 2006. Ever since John moved to Vancouver, and brought his podcast with him, I’ve enjoyed being a part of RadioZoom and meeting the people around town that make these productions happen.

John started RadioZoom in 2004 before I knew what podcasting was. He’s grown it into something pretty great and over the last few years we’ve celebrated milestones (like the 100th episode), and interviewed many great bands (like Aberdeen City and Jim Ward of Sparta) [interviews]. This past weekend he did some work on the site and published Episode 142. We’re falling a little behind but if this is the first you’ve heard of RadioZoom, I suggest you explore our catalog. All music we play is with permission from the artist or is officially pod-safe.

The other podcast in which I’m a co-host is The Crazy Canucks. We’re a bunch of bloggers who love the Canucks, love the game, and love to talk about it. John and Dave recorded Episode 58 this weekend and it’ll be up on the site later today. Look for all of us at Northern Voice on Saturday, February 23rd as we discuss sports blogging and podcasting with the masses.

Update: The mobile Episode #58 of The Crazy Canucks podcast is now published.

New Liveblogging Tool I'll Use at DemoCampVancouver05

Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

I’ve done my fair share of liveblogging over the past few years, and I’ve even written a brief “How to Live Blog” entry. Many people have offered tips and tricks to help the process go smoothly and I think I’ve pretty much got my method down to a science.

However, this morning Tod sent me a link to Cover it Live – an embeddable little piece of ajax-powered code that allows you to publish in real time, with every tap of the return key. Viewers can also chime in, making it that much more live and interactive.


I’m always pretty skeptical when it comes to new technologies and tools (it took me long enough to let John even move me to WordPress in 2006), but I think I’m going to give this a whirl.

My next chance to do a live blog will be this Thursday, at DemoCampVancouver05. I’ve covered several DemoCamps before so we’ll see how this compares. Tune in then to participate and do the test drive with me.