Unfortunately Rebecca is unable to attend DemoCamp’s Gaming Edition this evening so Nancy Zimmerman has been kind enough to take on the liveblog – thanks Nancy! What: DemoCampVancouver06 – Gaming Edition [wiki][Facebook event] Where: Workspace in Gastown Presentations Include: Bleeding Edge iPhone Development Parveen Kaler, Smartful Studios Self-Publishing Games Direct-to-Consumers Dustin Sacks, Sillysoft Games Starting […]
As an experiment, and to try something new that looks pretty fancy, I will be using CoverItLive to live blog tonight’s DemoCamp. During the live blog you’ll see me posting in real-time and you’ll also be able to comment as it is fully interactive. Once the live portion is complete, I will paste the archive […]
I’ve done my fair share of liveblogging over the past few years, and I’ve even written a brief “How to Live Blog” entry. Many people have offered tips and tricks to help the process go smoothly and I think I’ve pretty much got my method down to a science. However, this morning Tod sent me […]
Between card games and rounds of turkey it was next to impossible to live blog DemoCampVancouver04. That, and I was thousands of miles away in America’s midwest. Fortunately, there has been some nice coverage of the event by attendees and participants. The Techvibes blog has a few recap posts about Nethook, Adhack and the super-entertaining […]
That’s right, I won’t be there to liveblog the latest edition of “battle decks” at DemoCampVancouver04. Why not? Well, I’ll be somewhere between Iowa and Missouri, visiting in-laws and driving through some corn fields, that’s why. John hasn’t been back to see his family in over two years since immigrating to Canada to be my […]