Best of 604: The Home Stretch

Comments 5 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Photo credit: nep on Flickr

As there are only 3 days left to vote for your favourite websites in the region for the Best of 604, here is a quick update on the Awards Reception (RSVP now if you haven’t already).

  • Voting ends Thursday December 11th at 12:00pm
  • At the Awards Reception, doors open at 6:00pm and admission is by monetary donation to the Greater Vancouver Food Bank Society.
  • Everyone will also get a raffle ticket with their admission donation (of $10, and an additional ticket for each extra $10 increment).
  • As we are nearing capacity for the venue, please make sure that if you replied on the Facebook event that you book your (free) ticket through the official RSVP site.
  • I have added a prize page to the website.
  • The awards presentations will begin at 7:15pm and once our evening is over (at 9:00pm), you are more than welcome to stay and enjoy the regular club night at The Cellar.
  • As an incentive to show up on time our awesome venue sponsor, The Cellar, will treat all guests to a complimentary drink (you will get a drink ticket if you arrive before 7:00pm).
  • If you are a prize sponsor who is bringing their prize to the awards reception, please be on time at 6:00pm so we can get things sorted (and so that I can thank you).
  • Since I may be running around quite a bit that evening (we even have some A/V to setup) I may be looking for a volunteer or two to ‘work the door’ – accepting donations, handing out tickets, checking off the guest list etc. please let me know if you would be available to help out in this way. Thanks Kate, Marina and Rosemary!
  • Over 4,500 votes have been counted (or at least collected by my polling system) thus far so make sure you cast your ballot for your favourite sites in the region by midday Thursday.

    Review: Skoah in Yaletown

    Comments 9 by Rebecca Bollwitt

    I’ve seen Skoah products before and since my old office was in Yaletown I have walked by before but I never knew the true extent of the Skoah experience until I was invited in for their Angel Glow Facial last Friday.

    Keall Foundation - Project Tunisia

    I’ve been to my fair share of spas, from hotel resorts, to Korean day spas and even medical school (where I was material on which medical aesthetics students learned to wax and scrub). Most spas have a calming and soothing atmosphere and with Vancouver-based Skoah it’s no different. Here are some of my notes:

  • The location is easy to get to (being a bus/walk person this is important)
  • The storefront is nicely laid out and the staff is professional
  • The rooms have low light and the tables are heated – seriously one of the most comfy duvets I’ve experienced in a while
  • Skoah products are used for all treatments and they smell amazing
  • Products are suited for sensitive skin – I had *zero* redness even with having “extractions” during the facial. I won’t describe “extractions” but if you know what’s involved in a facial… yeah
  • The Angel Glow Facial included a lower leg massage – I’m talking pretty much your full leg (just up over the knee) down to your feet
  • Treatments include: angel glow facial, kreate your facial, facialisicous, xtreme, power hour, fitskin
    quickie, killer feet, digit dose, and 6 packs
  • Even though Skoah uses their own products they were not slathered on and the treatment was more about soothing, calming, and massage
  • It’s not so much a ‘con’ but it is just a skin treatment spa and shop (you can’t get your hair done or get a painted-nail manicure or pedicure). They do however have the following products: cleansers, toners, exfoliators, moisturizers, masks, serums, eyes, lips, specialty, sun, body, hair kare, hands & feet, kits, makeup, brushes – as well as products for men
  • I have to note probably my favourite part (aside from leaving smelling like their vanilla/brown sugar Holiday Lotion) was the music. I did not hear one flute, nor did I feel like I was in an elven forest at any point in time. The tunes were soft yet included some awesome tracks like Zero 7 – In the Waiting Line.

    The Angel Glow Facial is $60 and is about 45 minutes and the products available will not break the bank at all (you can get the Holiday Lotion for $18). You can also get a Mistletoe Makeover personalized makeup lesson for $35 this season. I highly recommend checking out this “specialty skin care shop”.

    Security Dogs on Skytrain

    Comments 11 by Rebecca Bollwitt

    When I was teenager growing up on Whalley my friends and I would walk down to Gateway or Surrey Central to head downtown and we’d be kind of scared of Broadway or Granville Stations – although it just ultimately proved how daring we were to venture to such places so far from home.

    As an adult I’ve feared for my safety a few times on transit and I’m lucky enough to have never witnessed any major altercations. I ride buses almost every day, and SkyTrain about 5 times a month. I know there are some major issues here but I’d like to review the many sides of each discussion.

    Earlier this month it was announced that Translink would be beefing up SkyTrain security with the use of drug-sniffing dogs at stations and on trains.

    Under the program, specially trained police officers will patrol the SkyTrain line with dogs. If the program is deemed a success, the Transit Police Service could then develop its own dog squad, according to Doug Kelsey, CEO of the B.C. Rapid Transit Company, which operates the SkyTrain for the regional transit authority. [CBC]

    Some are very pleased with this initiative although over on The Buzzer blog (the Buzzer being the official Translink publication) there’s quite the discussion going.

    According to The Buzzer this is all a part of a much larger security plan that would include:

  • Security personnel will be more visible at stations where transit customers feel the least secure
  • New Transit Police bike patrols
  • SkyWatch: customers report crime via text-messages
  • Continued drug sweeps in partnership with police forces along the SkyTrain line
  • The creation of “transit villages” around Surrey Central and Broadway Station
  • Broadway Station safety and security upgrades
  • Continuing to expand retail presence at SkyTrain stations to provide more “eyes and ears” at more times of the day
  • Testing public acceptance of the use of police dogs on the SkyTrain system
  • Transit Police Dogs
  • Completion of lighting upgrades at the Expo Line stations
  • Testing facility improvements that will make emergency telephones and other security systems easier to locate, particularly on station platforms
  • Karen, who ran the SkyTrain Security Unconference in Surrey a few months ago left the following comments.

    Re: “Our work is not impeded by not having dogs, but we may be able to do more with one or two specifically trained dogs. We would not be roaming the system sniffing people for drugs. We “MAY” want to sniff for explosives though.”

    Karen: “I’m sure this is comforting to hear, for those of us travelling with small children or who are concerned about those with allergies to dogs. It does beg my next question: is the need urgent or pressing enough so that TransLink needs to invest in having these resources available in-house, rather than collaborating to make use of existing law enforcement resources? I can see that in a pinch it might be time wasted to secure an RCMP resource.”

    Re: “Again, thinking of safety and security, what would the public response be if some sort of attack took place against the system, and we had not done all we could to prevent or detect that attack.”

    Karen: “In my opinion, statements like this do nothing to support the cause of helping the public accept initiatives like police dogs. We can speculate far and wide on all sorts of things that might happen due to some hazily-defined enemy, and there is certainly no doubt that security and safety are certainly important, but must our everyday peace of mind be continually asked to take a back seat?”

    What do you think are the most effective security measures? Do we need a police or security presence at all stations or just the ones with the most problems?

    CES 2009 and The Social Media Jungle

    Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

    The CES (Consumer Electronic Show) is the world’s largest consumer technology trade show and it happens every year in Las Vegas. As a part of CES there will be some love for new media during the Social Media Jungle, organized by Jeff Pulver, and I have been invited as a speaker.

    The Social Media Jungle at the 2009 International CES brings to light how the advent of social media is changing the way we work and live. Sessions include state-of-the-industry updates and a candid look at how social media disrupts the workplace by empowering companies to lower burn rates. Plus, learn how companies can motivate consumers through social media to drive product sales without increasing costs. [Jeff Pulver]

    January 7, 2009 @ The Venetian in Las Vegas Continue reading this post ⟩⟩

    Food Bank Food Drive Roundup 2008

    Comments 5 by Rebecca Bollwitt

    It truly is the season of giving and I’ve been getting emails left and right about various campaigns that I am happy to promote. Here’s a quick round up of those supporting the Greater Vancouver Food Bank Society.

  • Blue Olive Photography is participating in Cans for Comments. Until December 12th, they’ll donate a can of food to the Food Bank for every comment left on their blog.
  • It’s the 21st Annual Santa Fox Food Drive all this week at the Superstore on Grandview Hwy.
  • Admission to the Best of 604 on Thursday, December 11th is by monetary donation to the Food Bank. Donations can be of any value, each attendee will receive a raffle ticket for prizes, and envelopes will be available in case you would like a tax receipt for your contribution. We’re not just celebrating the best of the web in Vancouver, let’s celebrate being able to support such a worthy cause as well.
  • 20% of Sheila Christie‘s custom card and jewelry sales in November and December 2008 will be donated to the Food Bank.
  • On December 17th, Cobre Restaurant in Gastown is giving 100% of its sales to the Greater Vancouver Food Bank Society.
  • The mega Meetup on December 17th will be accepting non-perishable food item donations for the Food Bank.
  • Friday December 19th is Food Bank Friday at CityTV during Breakfast Television (from 6:00am until 10:00am)
  • The Surrey Food Bank has been broken into numerous times over the last few days. They are not a part of the Greater Vancouver Food Bank Society so they handle their own donations and food supplies. They are in desperate need of some help at this time. The Surrey Food Bank helps 14,000-50,000 people each month and 45% of their clients are children and babies.
  • If you have a food drive happening over the next few weeks, please leave a note in the comments below.