More Link Love in Hour 5

Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

5 hours down, only 19 more to go. WOW the time is flying by, seriously – although I still have to actually ‘wake up’ and go shower etc. but you didn’t need to know those details. I’ve had some more link love from the following:

  • Moritherapy: “Leave my blog instantly!
  • Robert Sanzalone: PacificIT, all the way from Japan sent me a shout out over Twitter.
  • Home mom: Actually, she is also doing Blogathon in support of Hope for the Warriors.
  • I’m at breakfast right now with Michelle Kim, and it’s reallllly yummy – and I swear I won’t get any egg on my Macbook.


    Blogathon: Post #11 – Sponsor me to keep going for the Surrey Food Bank


    Comments 4 by Rebecca Bollwitt

    Thank you so much for everyone who has tuned into the blog so far and pledged for the Surrey Food Bank. I’ll put up a total around noon but so far I’m blown away by your generosity.

    The following photo is courtesy of John Biehler (who has linked me in support of Blogathon). He’s a local blogger, and very knowledgeable about Macs. We first “met” when he commented on my series of “I’m a Mac newbie” posts and enlightened me about several very cool Mac applications and functions.

    Photo credit: retrocactus on Flickr

    Oh and did I mention he took this with his iPhone while in Kelowna? Yeah… iPhone… *so* jealous!

    Blogathon: Post #10

    Vancouver Blog Profile: Money Coach

    Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

    I first met Nancy at a Blogger Meetup a while back and later on at DemoCamp. She brings a unique perspective to Vancouver blogging by way of writing about financial issues, money management, advice and case studies.

    Imagine if Canadians were known for being all over their money. Engaged. Proactive. Getting out of debt. Savvy. Saving. Generous.

    Nancy thinks it’s possible.

    Case study: Eleanor has an income in the low 70K range from her work as an engineer. She is about 15 years away from retirement, and while she has little debt, she has no assets either. She does have a pension, but no rrsps of her own, no savings, no property. She is utterly baffled where the money goes. She does rent an $1,800/month apt in Kits (Vancouver) which she shares with her college-age son.

    While successful professionally and working very long hours, Eleanor is chronically and seriously disorganized. Brilliant, yes. Competent yes. But require or suggest structure and she runs for the nearest exit.

    What would you suggest to help Eleanor take control of her money so she can start building the assets she could have, with her income level?

    To chime in on all the finance-related topics including guest posts by various contributors, head to Nancy Zimmerman: A Canadian Money Coach.

    Blogathon: Post #9 – Sponsor me to keep going for the Surrey Food Bank

    Submissions and Contributions

    Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

    I’ve had some great post ideas submitted as well as a few contributions by fellow bloggers. I’ll kick it off with something Duane suggested. This clothing is even more snazzy than hypercolour.

    With Kameraflage, now you’ll be able to plant subliminal messages on T-shirts, movies and billboards that can only be seen with digital cameras. This context-sensitive display technology, developed by Sarah Logie and Connor Dickie, works by using colors that are invisible to us but easily picked up by the silicon chips in digital cameras. [gizmondo]

    Very cool, although malicious t-shirt companies could very well use this power for evil, instead of silly amusement. It’s amazing what people can do with technologies these days eh?

    If you would like to suggest a story for me to blog about, and you use just tag the article “for:miss604” and I’ll see it in my incoming links and credit the source. Thanks!

    Blogathon: Post #8 – I’m listening to the Appleseed Cast because it’s an overcast morning and it makes me feel. Just feel.

    Blogathon Prep

    Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

    07282007 I love being a part of a team. John and I headed to 7-11 just a little while ago (between posts) and got some coffees to prepare us for the day. We seriously don’t mind 7-11 coffee and lately John’s actually preferred it over Starbucks and Blenz.

    He’s on his way out to Mission for a radio remote and hopefully will be checking in later today, sending me some photos so I can promote his event. Me, I’m loading up with coffee and a muffin. Caffeine and sugar, must keep it coming.

    Shout out to Jennie Roth who also wrote a blog post about my efforts – thanks!

    Blogathon: Post #7 – Sponsor me to keep going for the Surrey Food Bank