BC Hospitality Foundation Hospitality Hustle

Add a Comment by Rebecca Bollwitt

Registration opened today for the #HospitalityHustle presented by Odlum Brown Limited.  This free province-wide virtual event, a fundraiser for the BC Hospitality Foundation (“BCHF”), is a great way to promote your overall wellbeing and to connect safely with others in the hospitality industry.

Hospitality Hustle in Support of the  BC Hospitality Foundation

Join the Hospitality Hustle

Register as a team or individual for the Hospitality Hustle and set a physical activity goal – anything from walking or running 5km, to playing frisbee with your dog for half an hour – and then post your training videos or photos on social media using the tag #HospitalityHustle. 

There are daily prizes randomly drawn and awarded to those who register online and post on social media using #HospitalityHustle. As well, several independent fitness and running stores are extending discounts on merchandise to keep you motivated and safe. On May 30th, 2021, there will be a province-wide virtual event concluding with a virtual dance party.

Your support shows solidarity with owners and workers in the hospitality and tourism industry who are: struggling or have lost their livelihoods; still working hard to keep their business afloat during extraordinary times; providing a takeout option for those who are socially isolating and/or need a night off.

The BCHF is a registered charity that raises funds to support those in the hospitality industry facing financial crisis due to a health condition. In addition, the BCHF offers a scholarship program to foster the development of the next generation of workers and industry leaders.

Related: Get Active for Charity This Summer

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