Photos of the Tulip Festival
byThere are two tulip festivals on now, within a 2 hour drive of Vancouver, that are splashing valleys and fields with a colourful array of petals.
The Skagit Valley Tulip Festival is on all month just south of the border in Washington, and the Tulips of the Valley Festival is on until April 12th (weather permitting) in Agassiz. Looking through the Miss604 Flickr Pool and the #Photos604 Instagram tag this morning I noticed quite a few people made it out to Agassiz this weekend to photograph the flowers. Here are some of their shots:
Photos of the Tulip Festival

Photo credit: Gemy on Flickr
Photo credit: Gemy on Flickr
Photo credit: Jerry Meaden on Flickr
Photo credit: Brigitte Mueller on Flickr
Photo credit: Susanne on Flickr
Photo credit: m1i1k1e1 on Flickr
Photo credit: Eric Flexyourhead on Flickr
Photo credit: Brigitte Mueller on Flickr
Photo credit: m1i1k1e1 on Flickr
Photo credit: m1i1k1e1 on Flickr
Photo credit: m1i1k1e1 on Flickr
Tulips of the Valley in Agassiz is located at 3971 Lougheed Highway, Agassiz, BC. Follow the festival on Facebook for the latest updates.
2015 Date/Times
Monday, April 6th 9:00am-6:30pm
Tuesday, April 7th Closed
Wednesday, April 8th 12:00pm-4:00pm
Thursday, April 9th 12:00pm-4:00pm
Friday, April 10th 12:00pm-6:30pm
Saturday, April 11th 9:00am-6:30pm
Sunday, April 12th 9:00am-6:30pm
Monday, April 13th Closed
Tuesday, April 14th Closed