Twilight Crow Bike Ride

Add a Comment by Rebecca Bollwitt

You don’t need to be a long-time Vancouverite to spot the spectacular daily commute of tens of thousands of crows as they leave the city and head home to nest in Burnaby. The phenomenon has happened every day, without fail, since at least 1971. It’s so common that I finally wrote a post about it last year cited references of nuisance crows in Vancouver that stretch back to 1903.

Crows leaving
Photo credit: rzka on Flickr

If it’s something you haven’t yet seen or have only spotted while cruising along Highway 1 during your own commute, the Still Moon Arts Society is hosting an event to specifically take in this awesome sight.

From the Georgia Straight:

“It’s so incredible,” [Sara] Ross gushed in a phone interview with the Straight. “It’s almost like the sky is a river of crows as they fly.” On Saturday (February 2), Ross is leading a twilight bike ride to this roost that serves as home during the fall and winter for what she estimates to be upwards of 20,000 crows.

“We’re connected to the natural world in so many ways and the crows as they fly over every night are a reminder to us of that connection,” she said. “Where the crows roost at Still Creek is another place where we’re reminded of nature. “Our ride is creative and we use play and laughter and curiosity to connect with the crows,” Ross added. The activity is part of Reflecting Still Creek, a program from the Still Moon Arts Society that aims to connect people with the creek.

If you’re interested in joining the bike ride it’s taking place on Saturday, February 2nd. You can meet up at one of two starting points that will end up on the banks of Still Creek in Burnaby. The first is at Lakewood Drive at the Central Valley Greenway at 4:00pm (4km ride) and the second is outside the Renfrew SkyTrain station at 4:15pm (2.5km ride). If the weather does not allow for a safe ride, then the event will be rescheduled for the following Saturday, February 9th.

Follow the Still Moon Arts Society on Facebook and Twitter for more information about their activities and events.

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