Run for the Cure 2012: Team Bloggers for Boobies
byThe Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation’s Run for the Cure is coming up September 30th and a group of local bloggers has created a team to support the cause.
Nicole Ludwig from the blog Resolving Timeline Issues said that the team was an “accidental happening” last year since she signed up for personal reasons and found that friends and fellow bloggers (like Alexis of wanted to join her.
“Both my mother and mother-in-law are breast cancer survivors. This means that my daughter, Shannon, has an elevated chance of developing breast cancer. I dream of a world for her where there is a cure, and better yet, prevention,” Nicole told me by email. “Eventually, I think it would be great if we could have a cross-country team – can you imagine bloggers all across Canada running for boobies?”
Everyone is welcome to join Nicole’s team, called Bloggers for Boobies, on this 5km run or 1km walk around False Creek in Vancouver. Last year’s members included:

Photo courtesy of Tracey Rossignol
- Nicole Ludwig @Nicole013
- Alexis Hinde @alexishinde
- Amber Strocel @amberstrocel
- Amanda @lilahbility
- Naomi @monkeemama
- Lisa @litza2005
- Ginger @mamaofms
- Tracey Rossignol @tjrossignol
- Wendy @autismisatrip
- Marilyn Belsham @marilynbelsham
You can find out more about the Run for the Cure online, sign up, volunteer or simply donate to the cause. Follow the event on Facebook and Twitter for more information.
3 Comments — Comments Are Closed
Love it! Thanks Miss 604 for posting this, and way to go Bloggers for Boobies!
Run day is fast upon us and we are aiming for an all time record breaking run, so sign up to run, walk or volunteer now!
Here’s to a future w/o breast cancer <3
Volunteer Events & Promotions Coordinator
CIBC Run For the Cure
[…] The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation’s Run for the Cure 2012 is coming up on September 30th. Miss 604 profiles a team that last year included a member of our team here at theV3H. […]
[…] Michael and I have joined the Bloggers for Boobies team (also see this post on Miss 604) in the CIBC Run for the Cure. It takes place on September 30, and we’ll be […]