Movember 2010 in Vancouver

Comments 5 by Rebecca Bollwitt

The annual Movember campaign is in full swing as many moustached “Mo Bros” continue to grow their facial hair and fundraising totals.

Last year I had the chance to speak with one of Movember’s founders, Adam Garone of Melbourne, to learn more about this campaign that is taking the world (and internet world) by storm.

“Growing a mustache is a lot like doing a run or a walk for charity,” said Adam who said they then created the tag line “changing the face of men’s health”. “So we literally challenge men to change their appearance with that commitment and by doing that they became a walking billboard for 30 days talking about prostate cancer, their health, and raising funds along the way.”

So far Canadian Movember campaigns have raised over $5,000,000 thanks to over 90,000 participants. In Vancouver, over 5,600 men are participating – many with the loving support of partners, children, and the women in their lives.

Gus Fosarolli has shaved off his “Mo” to re-grow it during Movember for several years now. “I’m at that age now where I have to start to be tested for prostate cancer yearly. As men we are brought up to be strong and this sometimes could lead us to not get tested as a matter of pride and keeping our manhood,” Fosarolli told me. “I want to help raise awareness that it’s ok and that every man over 40 should be tested. With early detection, we can live stronger and longer lives.”

You can browse the Movember site to find an individual or team to support by way of online donation. This year’s local Movember campaign will end with a gala at the Fortune Sound Club December 2nd, 2010.

5 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. GusFMonday, November 8th, 2010 — 11:49am PST

    Thanks for the mention and support of Movember Rebecca. Just one thing to note, Canada has raised over $5.4 million and growing every single day! I’m so proud to be apart of this campaign.

  2. JPMonday, November 8th, 2010 — 11:55am PST

    I am happy to be a part of it three years running now too. Follow my daily stache action here>>

  3. Rebecca Bollwitt, Miss604 Rebecca BollwittMonday, November 8th, 2010 — 12:01pm PST

    Thanks Gus, I knew I missed a zero or three somewhere. Last count was $5,414,994 — that’s so awesome!

  4. DarrenMonday, November 8th, 2010 — 12:49pm PST

    Don’t forget our tumblr blog of (mostly) vintage photos of our fathers’ and grandfathers’ facial hair:

    Back when all photos looked like they were shot using Hipstamatic.

  5. Movember 2010 – Day 8Gus Fosarolli | Gus FosarolliMonday, November 8th, 2010 — 3:33pm PST

    […] I’m doing this, what is driving me? I really didn’t have to think long at all about it. As I mentioned on her blog, I’m at an age where it becomes important for a man to be checked yearly for prostate cancer. […]

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