Sex and the City Movie Vancouver Premiere

Comments 13 by Rebecca Bollwitt

In all honesty, I saw the movie days ago thanks to the 24 Hours daily newspaper. Don’t worry as this post isn’t about spoilers or details (that one will hit the wires tomorrow), but I thought I would continue my current saucy mini series by highlighting this local girl’s view of Sex and the City in honor of tonight’s silver screen event.

Six years ago I lived in Boston and one of the highlights of my living arrangement was that my roommate loved gadgets tech toys. These included a huge TV, premium cable packages and surround sound, which resulted in evenings spent sitting on the lovely Crate & Barrel sofa with obscenely large cushions watching the last few seasons of Sex and the City on HBO.

Seeing as how I was all by my lonesome in Boston and hardly made any female friends (I worked with geeky boys mostly) the show to me was bittersweet. However, the roommate bonding time was pretty priceless as he and his girlfriend pretty much kept me afloat in many ways when I was so far from home.

Upon my return to Vancouver, alas, there was no HBO and the DVDs hadn’t yet hit store shelves. I relied on Bravo reruns and horribly edited TBS syndicated morsels for my SATC fixes.

I’m not going to commit a cardinal blogger rule and divulge which Sex and the City character I am because frankly I think there’s a bit of each of the girls in all of us. I have my quirky moments, my determined and driven steamroller days, my playful tendencies (including a more tender side of me only my husband gets to see) and no matter how rough and tumble I try to be, a spider in my room would still make me squeal.

Tonight I’m heading to the exclusive premiere gala (pre-movie, at Republic) and I’ll be alone, more than likely amongst contest winners with their “three gal pals” that they were allowed to bring along. Since I’m covering the event I suppose my involvement and experience will differ from theirs, but nonetheless it would be nice to order a retro cosmo with someone else who came of age in the Parcheesi era – or even of the Trouble generation like me.

Honestly, what would make me pretty darn happy would to be able to spend that evening out with my husband. Every girl has their independent side, which should never be lost, but like I’ve said before… most of the time it seems as though it’s John and me versus the world. Quite frankly, I wouldn’t have it any other way.

My official movie review will be published at 1:00am Friday May 30th

Show times start at 10:00pm Thursday May 29th, check out CinemaClock for details about all Metro Vancouver theatres screening the movie.

13 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. DarrenThursday, May 29th, 2008 — 9:39am PDT

    I, clearly, am all Miranda.

  2. Tyler IngramThursday, May 29th, 2008 — 9:47am PDT

    Oh you actually got your wish answered. I remember you asking on twitter if anyone had the ability to get you into the premier for the movie. Nice work!

  3. MegThursday, May 29th, 2008 — 9:48am PDT

    I get the Charlotte thing from people because of the preppy thing, and the Carrie because I’m single and I write for a living, and Miranda for my temper. But I never get Samantha comparisons. Kind of sad:).

    And I would love to take a guy to a premiere like that. Girl bonding is girl bonding, but getting all sassed up is fun if a boy is along for the ride. I totally get your desire to bring John:).

  4. buzz bishopThursday, May 29th, 2008 — 10:03am PDT

    “the exclusive premiere gala”?

    An oxymoron for Vancouver, non?

    BTW, anyone can see the movie tonight at 10, just pick up your tickets at

  5. MarinaThursday, May 29th, 2008 — 10:21am PDT

    I was never a big fan of the show and so, this weekend is a bit of a non-event weekend for me. I’ll eventually manage to get out of the house to see the film but it’s not on the list for immediate viewing.

    That said, I’m happy to hear you managed to see it and are attending the gala tonight. Hope you still manage to have a good time!

  6. Miss604Thursday, May 29th, 2008 — 10:23am PDT

    @Buzz – The “exclusive gala” is an event at Republic sponsored by The Beat etc.

    I bought my tickets for the 10pm show tonight just like everyone else (you know, like a real person – not one that flashes “media” credentials to jump into lines say, at the Apple Store opening)

  7. Keira-AnneThursday, May 29th, 2008 — 10:35am PDT

    I will try my hardest to get there and be your last minute knightess in shining armour. Either way, I’m buying you a divine drink before we hit the theatre with the tickets we paid for…you know, like the normal folk we are.

  8. mort-yThursday, May 29th, 2008 — 12:03pm PDT

    Hooray for normal folk! You girls have fun!

  9. Mom604Thursday, May 29th, 2008 — 12:51pm PDT

    I loved visiting you in Boston. I wish I could have spent more time there. It is a marvelous city. I enjoyed walking along the Charles River and through Harvard. Let’s go again!

  10. JenniferThursday, May 29th, 2008 — 4:19pm PDT

    Have fun at the gala! Can’t wait to watch the movie with you and the other normal folks afterwards! 🙂

  11. Stephen ReesThursday, May 29th, 2008 — 4:29pm PDT

    All the press I have seen has featured interviews with Kim Catrell. And because I read papers from both sides of the pond it is interesting how both BC and UK claim her as their own.

    I never took it seriously, but it was an entertaining, if shallow, series. For men a bit depressing I think since not many of us could live up to Mr Big – though I identified with Steve a bit.

  12. Sex and the City Movie Review » Vancouver Blog Miss 604Friday, May 30th, 2008 — 12:55am PDT

    […] Podcasts | « Sex and the City Movie Vancouver Premiere […]

  13. Benjamin EdwardsWednesday, October 6th, 2010 — 1:24am PDT

    i always use surround sound equipements with the Dolby label and SRRS~’-

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