Canucks Womens Merchandise Woes

Comments 9 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Seriously, how much is it to ask for some fan merchandise for women that isn’t full of bling? I don’t want pink, sequins or sparkles, just some items with the team colours so that I can represent. I’ve ranted about this in another post but that was before I laid eyes on some of the “new” gear in the Canucks team store online.

oh dear
From – “The purse is formed from 2 recycled aluminum license plates with tear-shaped, nickel-plated steel end caps and hundreds of Swarovski crystals.” Retail: $324.99

Women can like hockey, and they can be fashionable while showing support for their teams and by fashionable I mean wearing things that are complimentary to the female form, contain the team’s colours or logo, and come in all sizes for women (big and small… in all areas).

Word on the street is that the sports jersey section of The Bay downtown (the part that borders on Granville Skytrain Station) sells official-looking fitted women’s jerseys that are quite stellar.

I’m not a girlie girl although you will catch me wearing pink things and giggling like a schoolgirl on occasion. However, when it comes to hockey I know where the line is and that it certainly does not contain any sequins.

9 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. bzSaturday, February 2nd, 2008 — 10:07pm PST

    Things could get better Alyssa Milano is taking her successful MLB Touch line to the NHL

  2. Miss604Saturday, February 2nd, 2008 — 10:10pm PST

    Yeah I read that on Canucks and Beyond a little while ago.

    Maybe I could get away with wearing that top (with a lil Canucks logo on it of course).

  3. RaulSunday, February 3rd, 2008 — 10:59am PST

    Did I miss your Mt. Washington podcast?

  4. fotoeinsSunday, February 3rd, 2008 — 11:01am PST


    Or rather, “cielo!”

  5. SamanthaSunday, February 3rd, 2008 — 1:35pm PST

    I was complaining about this last year too. I wrote on the opinion page of the newspaper ranting about how women can’t be fans without being referred to as “puck bunnies” or reducing our fanatacism to the hotness of the players rather than the love for the game.
    Dont’ get me wrong, the Canucks are hot- but I also love to watch the sport.

  6. BethSunday, February 3rd, 2008 — 2:30pm PST

    Hear, hear Rebecca. The Canucks colours are not now, never have been nor ever will be, pink. Although there is a team in my hockey league called the Curvaceous Canucks who use the old Canucks skate logo in black & hot pink, which looks kinda cool. But for the real Canucks, give me a female-sized jersey in the *real* colours!

  7. DaveOSunday, February 3rd, 2008 — 10:11pm PST

    Yup, the sports corner in the Bay downtown has the Canucks sweaters which allow a lady to look well, .. womanly.

  8. MegTuesday, February 5th, 2008 — 8:09am PST

    Yeah, I want to see Alyssa sit through 3 periods in that. Nice try.

  9. Thursday Link Fest: Too Excited to Wear Pants » Vancouver Blog Miss 604 by Rebecca BollwittThursday, April 23rd, 2009 — 12:20pm PDT

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