I’ve Made the iSwitch

Comments 12 by Rebecca Bollwitt

The year was 1989 and my dad brought home a PC from work for us to use. We played Spacewars and basked in the orange glow of the monitor. Since then, I’ve always had a PC. From DOS to Windows 3.1 to XP I’ve always been a slave to Microsoft. I know it inside and out, I can troubleshoot with my hands behind my back, my eyes blindfolded and my legs crossed. Well, thanks to some unexpected fundage that was solely allocated to such things, I made the switch and am the proud owner of a 13.3 inch Macbook. John and Steve Jobs have won.

I've Made The iSwitch

Yes, that’s the kitchen behind me in the photo. My frankenbox PC is taking up my workspace right now and the other desk-type furniture we have is occupied by John publishing the latest podcast episode. Although I supposed with a laptop I could be sitting anywhere in the house, really.

There will be a learning curve and everything isn’t as tikety-boo as it should be right now but I’ll be good to go soon enough, making blog posts from around the city and staying connected, as I should be. Hopefully this will help further my career path and pay for itself in the long run…

Update: John just showed me this on the Onion, too funny. I think I’m going to love this.
“In 1984, Apple introduced the Mac,” Jobs said to an overflowing crowd as an image of the first Macintosh computer was displayed on a giant screen behind him. “We changed the face of the music industry with the first iPod in 2001. And in January, we showed off the revolutionary new iPhone. Today, Apple is releasing a piece of innovative new technology that will forever change the way innovative new technology is released.” [TheOnion]

12 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. GZ ExpatThursday, March 8th, 2007 — 12:04am PST

    The dark side…

  2. Miss604Thursday, March 8th, 2007 — 12:09am PST

    I know man…. I know… it’s iScary but actually I’m just not used to things being so iSimple… iSuppose.

  3. Matt SimpsonThursday, March 8th, 2007 — 12:43am PST

    As a long time user of both Mac and Windows computers, I can expertly say that switching _from_ Windows _to_ Mac OS is coming over the light side.

    But then, since I use both, I suppose I’m somewhere in the grey zone :-\

  4. KeithThursday, March 8th, 2007 — 1:08am PST

    I was in the exact same boat as you a few months ago. I needed notebook, and the call of the iPowerful macbook won out.

    I still use both platforms every day, and I have to agree with Matt that using MacOS is definitely something I find easy. Sure, there are some idio(t)syncrhosies that are a little annoying (not being able to drag files into Textpad for editing), but all in all its great.

    I wonder if it will make me “lazy” though… I used to keep all my music and picture files sorted neatly into folders… now I just let the iAll-Powerful iTunes and iPhoto do it for me… and I couldn’t find a specific picture without them to save my life!

    Ah well… it was bound to happen eventually… Steve Jobs is planning to take over the world one way or another. He’s starting with Idaho (or is that iDaho): YouTube Link.

  5. Tyler IngramThursday, March 8th, 2007 — 8:08am PST

    I used to own a Mac. An LCIII that ran 7.0 and 7.5 back in the day. I loved it.

    I then went to the land of Windows and I haven’t gone back over to the mac because of a) cost b) gaming c) because I love being able to peice my own machine together.

    Sure there were the Mac clones but still hardware wasn’t as readily available.

    I would take a iBook or Powerbook anyday though, it would help when I go meet clients and need to show them things.

  6. BuzzThursday, March 8th, 2007 — 8:17am PST

    Welcome to the world of white.

    I’d love to hear your stories about your iSwitch to maybe use on the air while I’m doing my Mac campaign – gimme a shout and let me know how it’s going.


  7. DuaneThursday, March 8th, 2007 — 8:51am PST

    Congrats! Who-hoo! Don’t worry about the learning curve, it hasn’t been that bad, at least for me..

    Go download DC Squares now — it’s a great addictive game..

  8. emo monkeyThursday, March 8th, 2007 — 9:08am PST

    woohoo! hehehe i totally called that…so now you could say we’re mactwins? (or is that ibuddies?). so does the “unexpected fundage” make it even sweeter?

  9. DavidThursday, March 8th, 2007 — 9:54am PST


    Hope you like your Macbook. If you ever need help making the adjustment…Oh right, you’ve got John right there. Never mind. 🙂

    Seriously, we Macfans are known to help one another, so don’t hesitate if something stumps both of you. Way back in the day I used to work as a volunteer in a User Group in Boston dedicated to Macs.

  10. Mom-In-LawThursday, March 8th, 2007 — 2:10pm PST

    Your Dad-in-law bought one of those first Mac’s in 1984 and it sits in Matt’s home complete with Steve Jobs and the rest of his crew’s names written on the inside of the case. 23 years later we are still buying Macs. We just don’t do “windows.”

  11. GZ ExpatThursday, March 8th, 2007 — 2:52pm PST

    But…I have to say…I am more and more intrigued with the dark side, as I struggle through issues with my desktop right now.

  12. Powered by Simply Computing » Vancouver Blog Miss 604 by Rebecca BollwittTuesday, May 26th, 2009 — 2:12pm PDT

    […] comes from a proud line of Macintosh users and in 2007 he converted me into an Apple fan girl and I haven’t looked back. Recently we needed to […]

Also on Miss604.com