Grocery Delivery from Save-On-Foods

Comments 12 by Rebecca Bollwitt
Disclosure: Sponsored Post — This post is sponsored by Save-On-Foods. Views and opinions are my own. Please review the Policy & Disclosure section for further information.

It’s the time of year when everyone starts new lifestyle trends, whether that’s eating better, working out more, or cutting out a vice. Unfortunately it’s also flu season. Last night I went online to order a grocery delivery for today — yes I ordered by 10:00pm and had groceries at my door in the morning — but little did I know I would also feel so terrible this morning.

Not wanting to leave the house, let alone my pyjamas, the order of soups, teas, and vegetables felt like second Christmas had arrived. While it was incredibly convenient to me today, being under the weather, online grocery shopping can also help you eat healthy throughout the year.


Purchase your organics, kale, cucumbers, and bananas without the temptation of the chips, cookie, and candy aisles. Directly pick and choose what goes into your virtual grocery cart without all of the in-store temptations. Search by brand name, search Gluten Free items, and more. If you are going to treat yourself, the quick link to Snacks is very helpful.

When planning your meals, find your favourite recipes online — from Pinterest, a cooking show host, or your favourite food blogger — and devise your grocery list on the spot. With a couple of mouse clicks you’ll have everything you need delivered to your door the next day.

Added Touches

  • The items available to order online are also curated by the store so pretty much anything you can find in-store, you’ll find online. Aluminum foil, cat food, bulk items, deli platters, and more.
  • If you spot a deal marked in red, the ordering system lets you know how long a price will be set/when it will expire.
  • You can save items to a standing List on your profile or save your entire order as a List so you can simply repeat it next time.
  • If you can’t find what you’re looking for or have other questions you can leave them under “General Comments Section” when you review your cart.
  • The same online ordering system is used for the grocery pick-up so there’s nothing extra to learn when selecting the delivery option.
  • When I was going to Checkout, I asked my husband if there was anything else we should get and he replied: “Look for some deals.” I clicked on the Specials link and found a few more items to add to our cart, all at great prices.

I was asked this morning by a friend if the process was easy and I told her that it was even more simple than the other online purchases (ski pants and some gadgets) that I made last week. The search was simple, the checkout steps are straightforward, and you get to pick your delivery window. The fact that you can save your items to a List for repeat orders is such a bonus as well.


One thing I have to mention is that since you’re behind a computer screen and not in the store in front of the products, it’s important to note sizes. I ordered 700g of cheddar and ended up with literally a foot-long brick of cheese that will last John and me a month. Simply check the sizes of existing products in your fridge and compare them to the online descriptions.

Now I can go back to sipping my tea and heating up my soup as I create a blanket cocoon on the couch, thinking that I should have also purchased some honey and vitamins. I’ll just have to create an “Under the Weather” list on my profile for next time, which hopefully won’t be used as much as my regular “Weekly” and “Stay Healthy” lists.

Related: My behind the scenes tour of the online order department at Save-On-Foods in Vancouver.

The standard delivery cost is $7.95, but there are time periods where it is cheaper.

12 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. Josie BollwittSunday, January 10th, 2016 — 8:29am PST

    If only Fareway would have this kink of service in Monticello. It would make life so much easier for us. This is a great service and one Duaine said would be a feature of the Internet when we first started with the web. He was always a step ahead of his time.

  2. GeoffSunday, January 10th, 2016 — 10:15am PST

    There is also which has a delivery service as well which is a free service in many neighborhoods. Started back over 20 years ago it is run by local owner operators giving great customer service

  3. Amit KumarWednesday, January 13th, 2016 — 2:07am PST

    Thanks For sharing this information with us .

  4. Meg RiterMonday, February 15th, 2016 — 12:51pm PST

    Just tried this today – I’ve been down and out with vertigo (among other things) for over a week and simply can’t drive yet. My poor husband has had long shifts so I thought this was one less thing for him to do.
    I also loved it! Delivered promptly, great looking produce and a wonderful experience start to finish. I don’t know how often I’ll use it, but I hugely appreciate Save On for offering it! Those times you need it, it’s awesome!

  5. HarrySunday, May 1st, 2016 — 10:34pm PDT

    Great share..

    I really like the concept of online grocery shopping. It is very convenient and pocket friendly alternative.

    I visit online stores to shop for grocery and enjoy the experience.

    One thing I like the most is that I can shop for groceries whenever I wish like and mostly it during the time I am travelling to office or back home.

  6. Elizabeth GodleyWednesday, June 29th, 2016 — 7:00pm PDT

    I notice you say that “there are times” when Save-On delivery is cheaper. When ARE those times?

  7. Helen JenningsThursday, June 30th, 2016 — 8:39pm PDT

    I tried this for the first time today. It was so easy (and dare I say, fun!) filling up my online cart and checking out the weekly specials. We picked our order up a few hours later, rather than having it delivered. I love the convenience of just driving up and my order is all ready. They even brought it to the car and loaded the bags into the car.

    When we got home, we found that all of the bulk items (almonds, shredded coconut, dried fruits) were way more than we ordered and paid for. I guess the in-house shoppers don’t waste time weighing out exactly the amount ordered. Oddly, they were separated out into smaller bags- 3 bags for an order of 300 grams, 2 bags for an order of 200 grams. I could see the logic if each of the bags contained 100 grams, as if they had been pre-portioned ahead of time, but they were all different weights- much more than 100 grams each. I feel a bit guilty for getting so much extra for free, but it was a nice bonus for our first order experience. I will definitely do it again!

  8. cheap snacksTuesday, July 12th, 2016 — 7:02am PDT

    It’s really an excellent and beneficial data. I was actually captured with the piece of resources you have got here. Thanks for nice sharing..

  9. BettyTuesday, October 11th, 2016 — 5:05pm PDT

    Just had groceries delivered and am missing several items,how do I get in touch with Saveonfoods at Willingdon in Burnaby

  10. tonySunday, January 8th, 2017 — 11:02am PST

    just curious, i have never online ordered groceries from anywhere….i realize the delivery fee is $8…should I tip the driver? or is that $8 going towards fuel and driver tip?

  11. ErnaFriday, February 10th, 2017 — 7:57pm PST

    I like it because I got hurt aNd couldn’t get around , also with all our snow it is hard walking , even to get a bus.. They are good , Only thing I don’t like is when you order and want delivery , you have to watch when you order. At the top it states the date of specials , But, when you get the order delivered, say on the following Sat . it charges you the next daY PRICE WHICH IS ALOT MORE ,. tHEY SHOULD STATE RIGHT ON THE TOP ;iT SHOULD NOT REFLECT WHEN YOUR DELIVERY IS , AS LONG AS YOU ORDERED ON THAT DAY , PRICES SHOULD BE AS THE FLYER SHOWS..

  12. EmmaSaturday, March 18th, 2017 — 9:25pm PDT

    Ordered $300 in food and had it delivered. Won’t be doing that again. The vegetables were old and some of them had actual mold on them. We ordered six packs of ground beef to make our lives easier while cooking as we have a newborn, and they gave us one huge container of ground beef. Had to defrost it and cut it all up and then restore it. The milk they gave us was also ready to expire within 2 days. Like I said, never again.

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