Variety Show of Hearts Telethon

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The 49th annual Variety Show of Hearts Telethon takes place on Valentine’s weekend, airing on Global BC February 14th and 15th, and there’s a lot in store for BC viewers and supporters this year.


Variety Show of Hearts Telethon

Beginning at 6:00pm on Saturday, and winding up at 5:00pm Sunday evening, the two-day show features heartwarming stories of children in BC helped by Variety – The Children’s Charity, concerts showcasing the music industry’s biggest stars, and innovative ways for viewers to engage with the show – including winning a new car from Ford!

Variety’s funding support is directed towards covering the costs of life-saving medication, equipment and emergency travel and accommodation expenses for families whose children are receiving treatment at out-of-community hospitals, life-changing support in the form of mobility equipment, specialized therapies and communication devices that give children the chance to learn, grow and thrive and life-enriching experiences, such as the opportunity to attend special schools, summer camps and other therapeutic programs. Variety supports families and also organizations that provide the tools and training to help children achieve their full potential.

For almost 50 years Variety – The Children’s Charity has provided life-saving, life-changing and life-enriching support to children in BC who have special needs. They make a big difference in the lives of families, helping children across BC celebrate their individual little victories.

Show of Hearts Social Lounge

Miss604 is proud to come on board as a sponsor of the Show of Hearts Social Lounge, reaching out with live and interactive social media updates using the hashtag #SOH2015. Join the conversation by including @Miss604 and @VarietyBC in your tweets.

Get interactive with the Social Lounge team that will include bloggers and local social media personalities such as: Photographer and foodie Scott Graham from What’s for Lunch BC, tech blogger and one of the world’s top 3D printing authorities John Biehler, communications and branding specialist Leeann Froese, and travel blogger Marc Smith of 30 Day Adventures. We’ll all be monitoring the #SOH2015 tag, replying, interacting, and leading a few fun campaigns and contests throughout the weekend.

Coming together in the Show of Hearts Social Lounge, this team of bloggers and I all wanted to get behind a great local cause by showing support both online and offline. If you would like to help us spread the word ahead of time, share these messages with your own Twitter audience:

Let’s create little victories for kids with special needs – join me at #SOH2015 on @GlobalBC Feb 14 & 15
Get set for an inspiring weekend – #SOH2015 is around the corner Feb 14 & 15 on @GlobalBC

Tune in on Valentine’s weekend to see how your donations make a difference and follow @VarietyBC on Twitter and Facebook for more information.

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