Following a heartbreaking story last week that saw a devastating break-in at the Salvation Army downtown, Vancouver radio stations are banding together Tuesday December 9th for Toys for Teens Day. For the first time in history, every radio station in Vancouver has joined forces to help refill that warehouse. 103.5 QM/FM is proud to take […]
With gift-giving season in full swing I have been given a few items to try out and review on my site. I have not been paid for these reviews, I have simply been given the items for review to share with my readers. A while back I wrote a blog post about laptop bags and […]
Tomorrow (December 7th) at 1:00pm the downtown core will be filled with floats, music, and a visit from the big guy himself during the Rogers Santa Claus Parade. Photo credit: w_yvr on Flickr There’s always quite the crowd (rain or shine) so you may want to stake out your spot a bit early. Photo credit: […]
This is it, the official announcement. Well actually, we just made the official announcement on the WordCamp Whistler website but it’s true, it’s going to happen. With the venue booked, keynote secured, website and social media streams in place, we’re ready to officially announce WordCamp Whistler 2009, happening January 24th. Photo Credit: Jennifer Stoddart on […]
Update December 19, 2008: The new Robson Safeway is now open. It’s been just over a year since the Safeway on Robson and Denman closed down. People have started to get excited about its re-opening as signage is put in place, windows are being set and polished, and there’s a career ad on Craigslist for […]