i guess since i'm half american now

Comments 3 by Rebecca Bollwitt

On Tuesday Americans take to the polls. While I don’t really want to get into any political issues, I’ll still post this YouTube link, cause it’s just amusing as heck.

Update: I was just out on my lunch break (it’s so rainy I swear I saw someone canoe past me on the sidewalk *badum ching!*) seriously, what’s with GOLF umbrellas this season? It’s bad enough trying to maneuver down a sidewalk downtown on a SUNNY day, let alone a regular rainy day with regular umbies all around. But GOLF umbrellas? I passed about 10 within a block. Sheesh!

RadioZoom Episode #117 – Music, Trivia, Good times

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RZ #117 is now up for your listening pleasure

RadioZoomWe play some great bands (with permission) on this episode and talk about the upcoming interview with Sparta. We also cover another edition of ‘Vancouver Trivia’ – testing John’s knowledge of the city. The site’s been redesigned slightly and some new features have been added to keep everyone informed and to make searching for old episodes an easy task.

Check it out on RadioZoom.net.

Run time: 53:56
Episode #117

The Crazy Canucks – Episode 5

Add a Comment by Rebecca Bollwitt

I took the helm this time around and we were missin’ Dave-O somethin’ fierce. We giggled a lot, I think he keeps us in line.

We go ‘Dave-less’ this episode as Alanah, JJ, John and Rebecca bring you this week’s discussion. The Ovechkins Capitals were in town on Friday and JJ shares his experience being at the game. From the awe-inspiring young Russians of the league, goalie showdowns, to shootouts.

Murmurs about the crazy schedules, that only bring players by once every election year, who we’d like to see more of and who we could really do without.

Nashville handed us a ghoulish defeat last night while we’re still getting used to the lines, players and Coach Viggy’s words of wisdom.

Record as of this podcast 7-5-1 (2nd in Northwest Division)

Running time: 23:50

The Crazy Canucks Podcast, Episode 5

Miss 604’s Sparta Interview

Add a Comment by Rebecca Bollwitt

sparta.jpgThe adventure continues. After having so much fun podcasting with Aberdeen City, it was decided that we definitely wanted to do that sort of thing more often.

With that said, we’ve been able to score an interview this coming Saturday with Sparta who will be playing at Richard on Richards.

Here are some links:



Tickets ($15) are available at Zulu and Scratch records.

It should be an amazing show – can’t wait! We learn more with every episode, and the fun just keeps growing as well. Stay tuned for updates.

man without socks

Comments 5 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Update: ‘Man without socks’ is a costume worn by Phil Hartman on News Radio [wiki]…. kinda – his co-workers were talking about how unoriginal he is, and how little effort he puts into Halloween costumes. I miss Phil Hartman [wiki].

Halloween is over, it happened Saturday night. Well, at least according to everyone who dressed up and went out on the town and who lit off firecrackers in the alleys. Tomorrow night is the 31st, although all the activities are over and done with until next year. It’s funny how we can just default something like that to a day on a weekend and just re-create/usurp the ‘holiday’ to suit our schedules.

We’re not dressing up this year, nor are we handing out candy, that’s a first for me. I still have to get used to this whole apartment living thing. No pumpkin either. I asked John if we could get one but he brought up the point, “What do we do with it later?” He didn’t like my idea of tossing it off the side of the balcony and enjoying the splat. I was just kidding… kinda.

Scouring the weebernet this afternoon you can find tons of pics from parties this past weekend (like 2BitStudios). I’m never very original when it comes to dressing up. The last time I did, I was Alice in Wonderland, had a lil white bunny by my side all night, I suppose that one was okay.

We spent a little too much time at home and on the couch this weekend – no 2 hour treks through the park like last Sunday because I was on call for work. NOT fun (although the paycheck with all the overtime will be). I’m chuckling while looking up at the title of this post. If you can guess which TV show that was from, and which character – I’ll totally think you’re SUPER cool 😉

I think we’re staying in tomorrow, watching the Canucks game (hope it’s not a scary one). We saw The Great Pumpkin on Saturday (John also blogged about it). I’m still looking for Garfield’s Halloween… now that’s scary!

Finally, a commercial from Sonic. The fact that I’m posting this, tells you a lot about my geekyness.
