Since moving downtown I haven’t had much of a commute to work. Being that I’m starting a fancy new job tomorrow, I had to buy a monthly bus pass that will enable me to get to and from work. My future employer is across the bridge, I will need to hop on a bus. I can either walk to the far bus stop or get on a bus near my house and transfer to the other one. Whichever way I choose, I will be needing a pass.
On July 1, 2006, the Government of Canada began its program to offer individual Canadians a non-refundable tax credit to help cover the cost of monthly or longer duration public transit passes. Because it is a non-refundable tax credit, anyone who applies does not receive the money in the form of a refund. Instead, the amount claimed is multiplied by the lowest personal income tax rate for the year (15.25% in 2006) and then is deducted from the amount of tax owed for that year []
I purchased a monthly 1-Zone pass from my local fare dealer and recently learned about the tax credits I can receive on my 2007 taxes next year. My mother’s known about this since the system first started last summer, so she’ll be adding them to her 2006 taxes. Although it’s not technically a “rebate”, I suppose the credit does help, along with warm fuzzies you’ll feel by knowing you’ve made the clean, environmentally conscious choice of riding public transit.
If you’ve been purchasing monthly bus passes just make sure you keep a) the receipt and b) the pass to make sure you can get your tax credit – every bit helps.
I just stopped on a channel showing a movie that’s pretty dear to me: The Wedding Singer. It’s made to be 80s, it’s hokey and I used to watch it with my sister (over and over again) before she got married, cause it made us giggle. There’s a part where they briefly show a television and the Dunkin Donuts “Time to Make the Donuts” commercial is on. This reminded me of something I heard this morning: Krispy Kreme is coming out with a new whole wheat donut.
The 100 percent whole wheat doughnut — with only 180 calories — has a caramel flavoring and is covered with the doughnut-maker’s original glaze [BusinessWeek]
This is fantastic because the “original glaze” is 200 calories, according to online nutritional info. Thank goodness we can save on 20 of ’em with this new product. But really, if you’re watching your figure/weight, what are you doing in a doughnut shop in the first place?
If a nice scrumptious Tim Horton’s donut plain glazed is your poison, you’ll be ingesting 260 calories. For something less artery-clogging, try a maple, chocolate or honey dip – they are only 210 per serving [TimHorton’s].
A ginormous doughnutty event is happening right now in this fair country: Roll Up the Rim to Win at Tim Ho. Here in BC we get the shaft. Although you may spot a free cookie or coffee when you roll up your rim, chances are if you’re in Ontario you’re far more likely to win that iPod, TV or car. If you take a look at the official rules and regulations, you’ll find that our stores have only received 18,164 cases of 1,000 contest cups. Compare that to 152,402 in Ontario. Yeah, they like their Tim Ho back East. Home of the fabled… “Gretzky“…
Dunkin Donuts served its purpose for me in Boston. It supplied me with a morning bolt of caffeine and added a lovely sugary smell to subway stations, capping off the scent of oil, metal and urine. Double D’s also has the fewest calories in their original plain glazed donut, with only 180 [DunkinDonuts].
On the other end of the spectrum, the Tim Ho Walnut Crunch (360 calories), the DD Chocolate Iced Bismark (340), and the KK Cookies n’ Kreme (400), are the top artery-cloggers at each establishment. And don’t go thinking about Tim Bits or Munchkins as alternatives, they start at 60 calories each – and with a pack of 20 you’re not doing yourself any favours.
Regardless of the calories, fat, sodium, carbs etc. the main reason most people visit these establishments is the coffee. The sweet, sweet nectar of the Gods that keeps us coming back for more.
So whose coffee / baked goods do you prefer? (and don’t get me started on Starbucks and their oat bar downsizing ways).
After spending the weekend at Northern Voice, Sunday night we went to a podcast meetup in Coal Harbor. This was convened by Mark Blevis from the Canadian Podcast Buffet. I have to say, podcasters are really down to earth, they don’t have blogs and they all wear glasses. At least these were my impressions based on the lovely group that shared a 4QT pitcher of beer at TC Lions Pub.
John kept track of most of the business cards so I’m sure in his post about the event, he’ll have all the links. I monopolized most of Shyam’s time (he’s from the Foreskin Radio podcast) since we both discovered we have common friends back in good ‘ol Surrey.
Yesterday John and I took some time for ourselves. We went our for some excellent Mexican food, treated ourselves to Margaritas and got some ice cream to take home. My first year as a Bollwitt, and him being a Vancouverite, has been the most challenging of my life. Nothing comes easy, it’s always an uphill battle. We are real with each other, we don’t sugar coat, although we can be pretty sappy at times. I’m looking forward to everything we have yet to come up against because although some things break you down, you build back up and become stronger. That’s what I’d like to think, anyway.
Scroll down to view all the rumoured jerseys and the OFFICIAL new jersey launched today, August 29, 2007 (view my Flickr photos tagged: newcanucksuniforms.
Feb 24, 2007: The Vancouver Canucks logo has been the topic of much debate recently. This is evident when I’m browsing my stats and see that “Johnny Canuck Logo” is the term most searched, that will link to my blog.
We read tonight on J.J.’s site (who is a fellow Crazy Canuck, btw) that there will be new Canucks jerseys come this August.
After Francesco Acquilini bought out John McCaw, there had been numerous speculation about the future of the whale jersey. The Canucks were scheduled to wear their vintage stick jerseys for 25 of 41 home games this season; do they wear it full-time next season? Or will they unveil a completely new jersey with a new logo on August 1st? [Canucks Hockey Blog]
He is referring to an article in today’s Vancouver Sun suggesting that we’re due for a logo change – for real.
After receiving a tip via our lovely yet handy Crazy Canucks feedback hotline, we found what appears to be some photos of the mysterious “new” Canucks jersey via CyberBuzz’s site.

Could this be the new jersey or is it as fictitious as some of Zanstorm‘s (hilarious) photoshop creations [1] [2]?
Update: Another fellow Crazy Canuck, Alanah, has debunked this mythical jersey over on her blog, Canucks and Beyond. It’s a fake, folks.
Update: July 26, 2007 – John has another scoop on a possible new logo []. Source is JJ who had a reader send him the following on the Canucks Hockey Blog

August 2, 2007 – The following is from Sportsnet via CanucksAndBeyond:
The Canucks are holding a ‘closed door’ photo shoot Thursday afternoon , where the subject will be the new-look jerseys in line for the 2007/08 season. The local Canucks’ message boards are ablaze with speculation, with most believing the team will go back to the retro blue and green colour scheme. However, what the logo will look like remains a mystery.
EDIT: … this press conference was postponed.
Update: August 16, 2007 – Chris just sent me a link to these forums where this is the rumoured new look.
Update: August 22, 2007 – I’m loving this “hybrid proposal” as featured on Canucks and Beyond.

Update: August 27, 2007 – Alanah has some really great “rough sketches” that were submitted to her via email, rumoured to actually be the new logo. Seriously… does anyone think this is actually the front runner so far?

August 29, 2007 – I was at GM Place today for the unveiling. The new uniforms are blue, green and white (exact vintage colour scheme) with the orca logo in blue and white AND the word “VANCOUVER” written across the top. Photos are all available on my Flickr under tag: newcanucksuniforms.

We posted two podcasts this week. I was on RadioZoom with John earlier in the week but was unable to be on TCC last night. Check out both links, show notes and mp3s.
RadioZoom Episode #127
Run Time 63:40, Click for Mp3
There’s really a lot that we talked about in this episode, so much that we only threw three songs into this one. Rebecca gives a review of her Amazing Hunt experience, we cover a variety of things coming up, look ahead to NorthernVoice 2007, there’s a podcast meetup in Vancouver, and we round it out with Vancouver Trivia. There were a variety of technical issues in this as well, but I didn’t edit it out… visit site for show notes.
The Crazy Canucks Episode #22
Run Time 50:45, Click for Mp3
Rebecca takes a healthy scratch on this episode while the rest of us, even Dave, gather together to take a look at the last four games against Minnesota, Chicago, Colorado, and Anaheim. Things have been looking really good lately, and we all feel incredibly excited at the fact that the playoffs seem more and more in sight.
With 22 games left in the season and the trade deadline looming, there’s a lot to talk about, but none of us are really too sure as to what we can expect. Something is bound to happen, and we all have our own theories as to who might go or stay. A listener from London checks in with a question about a possible Canucks game next season in the U.K.
A lot of things are going well, but as fans, we know that we have to be careful to not get too far ahead of ourselves. However, listen to our episodes from early this season and the mood was incredibly different. Oh how things can change…Visit site for show notes