One thing I didn’t know was that I was tagged over at Chillaxin last week. Eee! Now I don’t feel so left out, since John was tagged a little while ago by Jeremy Latham.
Around the interweb bloggers are writing five things most people wouldn’t know about them, then they turn around and “tag” 5 people, and so the madness continues. Finding 5 things to write about is proving to be more of a challenge than anticipated but let’s give’r a whirl, short n’ sweet style.
1. I was born and raised in Surrey, BC. Yes, it says that in my About page but who looks at that anyway? I went to West Whalley High School, was female athlete of the year from 1995-1997, captained the rugby team, was a big nerd, and it was fantastic.
2. I hate pulp and baby corn. They both make me gag.
Since that one was short I’ll toss this in there too, I’m left-handed only for writing, everything else is right.
3. I can recite almost every episode of Red Dwarf, from seasons 1 to 7. I can also recite Dylan Thomas’ A Child’s Christmas in Wales… John found this out a couple of days ago and I’m sure he can just about do the same now.
4. When I was little I made a bet with my sister that I would become a doctor by the time I was 25.
5. I haven’t voted for Rory.
Time to tag 5 more people. I don’t know who to link to now, the Z-list this morning was pretty hefty so I’ll just toss out a couple names. I would start with Gus Greeper but she’s most likely already tagged and she’s on my Z-list so let’s go with… Lucas & Lesley, Jonathon Narvey, Onomatopoeia, Laura and Gus.
I first heard about JPG from our Metroblogging overlords and now it seems to be popping up everywhere, growing in popularity with its reader-generated content.
JPG was created by the husband and wife team of Derek Powazek and Heather Powazek Champ in 2004 with a simple goal: to honor the fantastic work coming from nonprofessional photographers all over the world.
JPG Magazine is for people who love imagemaking without attitude. It’s about the kind of photography you get when you love the moment more than the camera. It’s for photographers who, like us, have found themselves online, sharing their work, and would like to see that work in print [JPG/About]
Basically, you take our digital pics, upload/submit to JPG, you get votes and reviews and BAM! You could end up with your photos in print, in JPG Magazine [HowTo].

Recently, local web2.0 guru and photographer Kris Krug had a couple images submitted to JPG.
A few weeks ago I blogged about submitting a few of my photos to JPG photography magazine for inclusion in their upcoming issue. Well, submission are now closed and 3 of my pics are being considered for publication [KrisKrug]
In November, Metroblogging sponsored a theme called “Hometown”. It was a shout out to amateur photographers around the world to capture images of their hometown and these were all included in Issue 7.
“Home is not just about where you’re from – it’s also about where you’ve chosen to be. What does your hometown look like, and how does it feel?” [HometownTheme]
It’s pretty exciting to think professionals and schmoes alike can get works published, although I suppose we all have the ability to put anything online, really, but this seems different. It’s nice to have another medium with which we can express ourselves and get a little notoriety in the process. The magazine is pretty impressive, they have previous issues available online and you can subscribe to get all the goods, and gain your posting/uploading ability. Also, keep an eye on the Themes in case something really peaks your interest or is right up your digital photography alley.
Hopefully we can look for some of Kris’ images in Issue 8 and in the meantime, he’s got another on the ballot for Issue 9. You can vote for Kris’ images until January 31st, 2007 and submit your own works for that same issue, for the next 28 days.
In Canada, Boxing Day is observed as a holiday, except (in some cases) for those in the retail business. Boxing Day and the days immediately following are when many retail stores sell their Christmas and retired model products by holding clearance sales. Some shoppers will line up for hours at night (sometimes before midnight and after midnight on December 26) for retailers to open their doors. Except in Quebec (where stores open at 1 pm)[wiki]
No, no shopping for us today. We’re getting a hand-me-down couch today from some really great friends of ours. We will have more for our New Years Eve guests to sit on than a $100 Ikea futon although we’re not sure what to do with that now. It seems like our living room is going from minimal furniture to all-round seating, but I’m sure we’ll figure something out.
Today is laundry day and then tomorrow, the real-world slaps me in the face as I have to work at 6am (all week long). We then get another long weekend and I’m off for two weeks starting the 2nd. During that time, since of course we won’t actually be traveling anywhere, my sister and I will snowboard and I’ll celebrate a birthday.
Tonight, we’ll be sure to catch the Canucks game tonight – maybe Santa will be good to them and deliver more than two goals, and a win.
It’s been a tradition for 87 years in Vancouver and this year, just maybe, I’ll be able to get John to go. I mean, we’ve been enjoying the beach all year, right? What’s a quick dip in English Bay… on January 1… after a night of drinking… I mean the Polar Bear Swim Club does it all the time.
Costumes and the Peter Pantages Memorial 100 yard swim race are the highlights of this event. To be a club member you must register before the swim. Registration takes place in front of the English Bay Bathhouse from 12:30pm – 2:30pm each New Year’s Day.
You may also register by clipping out the coupon in the Province Newspaper and presenting it at the registration desk the day of the swim. Your free membership includes a commemorative button after you take the plunge [PolarBearSwim]
Basically you show up, get in the water, then get the hell out. It’ll wake you, shrivel you, and will probably be a kickass time with thousands of other people in the city.