Forbidden Stanley Park Trek, 1 Year Later

Comments 6 by Rebecca Bollwitt

This afternoon we grabbed some caffeinated beverages from a local coffee joint and headed to what is probably our favourite place in the city, Stanley Park. I couldn’t take in enough of the fresh autumn air.

Nature Boy

I love this time of year because the park just seems alive, from squirrels rustling up some grub for the winter fattening to little streams and creeks popping up all over the place.

Trekking along the muddy Tatlow Walk, over to Rawlings, and down the Third Beach Trail, we had to check in on an old friend (“Sam“), a 800-1,000 year old tree that was toppled recently due to unstable soil.

John and

I must give the Parks Board kudos (for once) since they have left him where he fell to become a nursery log and have routed the trail around all 130 feet of him.

Path re-routed around

At the bottom of Third Beach Trail we took a walk around the Sea Wall, which isn’t officially supposed to open until this coming Friday.

How we have a sea wall in the first place

This was our first time on this part of the sea wall since it closed almost a year ago, and it was also the first time I had walked it in that direction (since you’re supposed to go East to West). The following are photos of the “forbidden” and still-closed side of the sea wall, which honestly doesn’t look very close to safely opening.

Too tempting

Photo credit: John Bollwitt on Flickr

Ready to re-open?

All photos for the walk today can be viewed in my Stanley Park Flickr Set.

Miss604 Poll: Skytrain Fare Enforcement

Comments 16 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Since the last two Miss604 Polls [1][2] were transit related, why not continue the theme.

In the news this morning is the subject of turnstiles at Skytrain stations. I don’t know about you but two things I always thought were pretty cool were a) the honor system on Skytrain and b) there’s no one driving the train.

Photo credit: John Bollwitt on Flickr

Sure, it sucks when you pay over $4 to go three zones and someone can just hop on without a ticket at their leisure and milk the system for free, but would the planned turnstiles be effective? I have many questions…

Apparently the Skytrain is a vehicle for crime, allowing all those hooligans from Surrey easy access to the pristine Vancouver stations, so would tougher enforcement of fare payment reduce this risk? Isn’t that why they shelled out all that money to get those Skytrain cops some guns?

Honestly, it wouldn’t bother me either way – to keep the fare-checking the same or to have fun little turnstiles that eat your ticket and spit it out the other side. I know I always pay, in many ways, for riding transit in the region so whatever, do what you gotta do Translink, but what about those that can’t?

Here are some reactions so far:

One Skytrain user says it’s about time already for these security measures. And another says he believes it would stop fare evaders.

Turnstiles will be in place at all stations before the 2010 Games and commuters will be able to pay with a smart card, which can be loaded online. [News1130]

Smart cards? NOW we’re talkin‘.

One might think most fare paying Skytrain riders would generally be supportive of the plan.

But while those getting off the train here this morning aren’t opposed to the move, they also aren’t optimistic about whether it will work.

“Do you think it will work? Cut down on fare evasion? — No, well you’ve got to think of the poor. They can’t afford anything.”

“If you look at other jurisdictions where they have turnstiles, they actually have as much or more fare evasion then we do.”

So what about safety? Will turnstiles make riders feel safer?

“No, well I don’t think it would make any difference to safety.” [CKNW]

It’s obvious that there are mixed reactions but is this what Translink should be spending their money on? Put in your two cents below.

[Poll Closed]

To view and vote on past polls, visit the poll page.

Product Reviews and the Barefoot Effect

Comments 10 by Rebecca Bollwitt

As I alluded to yesterday with my MPFR3DOM post, John and I will also be given a Brother Printer to test drive, taste test, sample, and play with for a little while. Here’s how marketing guru Darren Barefoot approached us.

Marketing Comic Hilarity

See other comics sent to Jordan, DaveO and Tanya. If you’re a blogger and would like to participate in the printer taste test, just contact Darren.

Samsung T10 and my new MPFR3DOM

Comments 23 by Rebecca Bollwitt

I’ve received a bunch of cool, free things because of blogging; from my cell phone(s) to movie passes, and this is definitely one thing I’m glad to add to the collection.

As you may have noticed from my “iPod home repair guides” that my mini is pretty much on its last legs. Leave it to the viral marketing campaigners at Matchstick to offer and send me a brand spanking new mp3 player.

Here’s what I received:

  • Samsung T10 (rumoured to be the iPod killer??)
  • Earbuds
  • Bluetooth Headphones
  • Samsung T10
    Taken with my Nokia 6682 I received from Matchstick a year ago.


  • Slim and robust 2 GB multimedia player
  • Built-in Bluetooth 2.0: compatible with Bluetooth headphones and speakers for wireless stereo playback
  • FM radio
  • Text viewer
  • USB 2.0 connectivity for charging and transferring files
  • Windows XP and Windows Vista compatible (the useless portion of our program)
  • The marketing company, Matchstick, is truly interested in feedback for their client so they’ve even created a Facebook group where everyone can post their links and reviews.

    I’ve been pretty good with posting about my Nokia I got last year and we even did some video podcasts around Vancouver with it, which honestly aren’t the best quality.

    My true test will be getting it to work with my MacBook because apparently it’s suited for Windows Media Player and not iTunes. I’m looking forward to using the FM tuner though and stay tuned for more updates. This product was again FREE however I am at liberty to be completely honest with my opinions in any of my posts.

    Others participating (and by that I mean they got all the awesome swag too) are Keira and Raymi. If you have also received the T10, please leave comment below and feel free to link your post – thanks!

    Update: Umm… my MacBook isn’t recognizing it as a drive and it comes with PC-only software… not too much success so far, can’t even put songs on it yet. Also, it’s not discoverable as a Bluetooth device.

    Guide to Vancouver Area Rinks and Ice Skating

    Comments 9 by Rebecca Bollwitt

    When I head out the door to make my trek to work these days I immediately take in the fresh fall air then exhale, making ghosts with my breath. It’s November – ALREADY and nothing says “winter activity” like hitting the local ice rink.

    Due to the recent civic strike that spanned summer and parts of fall, rinks haven’t been opened on time but they’re gradually getting back up to speed and I personally cannot wait til the Twonie Skate at the WECC kicks off.

    Here’s a list of Vancouver Parks Board-operated ice rinks:

  • 1 – Britannia: OPEN
  • 2 – Kerrisdale: OPEN
  • 3 – Killarney: Closed for construction and expected to re-open in January 2009
  • 4 – Kitsilano: OPEN
  • 5 – Riley Park: To Open this Month
  • 6 – Sunset: To Open this Month
  • 7 – Trout Lake: Scheduled to close for construction in late Summer 2007, expected to re-open in Summer 2009
  • 8 – West End: To Open this Month
  • Skating times can be referenced on this PDF.

    Ice skating is definitely a low-dough activity with public skate times available at all hours during the week and on weekends. If you check the schedule there are also a few FREE sessions throughout December, including free skating at the WECC on Christmas Day.

    Not sure when the Robson Square Ice Rink will reopen, although it’s slated to prior to the 2010 Olympics. There’s also the pond on Grouse Mountain (albeit not in Vancouver), which is now open and has some excellent views of the city.

    Update 2010 Trout Lake Rink is open and you can find a full schedule online. View all current 2010-2011 schedules here.