Third Tuesday Live Blog: Social Media for Change

Comments 15 by Rebecca Bollwitt

The Third Tuesday liveblog from the Network Hub on Richards Street will begin at 7:00pm PT today. Please stay tuned for tonight’s speaker, Joe Solomon:

Joe will discuss amazing case studies of how nonprofits and social change makers are using Web 2.0 tools to get the word out and inspire action. Joe will also talk about his recent experiences working on the Firefox Extension, which won 2nd place at the NetSquared Conference. []

Update: Gathering at the Network Hub after a quick pint at The Century and securing my seat for the live blog. Reminding everyone to enter the door prize draw by dropping their business card or leaving a comment on this post.

Update: Tod is here with the intro and notes that those who participate and become a part of tonight’s dialogue could win a cool book prize. Joe is now sharing the fact that while we’re all here tonight, Barack Obama’s fan page on Facebook could hit 1 million fans. First item of business, what is social media?

Update: People who would like to connect for a common cause and get their message out to the masses have a lot to gain from using social media. “Social media is really about engaging,” states Joe.

Joe says he’s not going to talk about projects like ChangeEverything or happyfrog, but other options like meeting your users on Twitter, Facebook and Second Life.

(Case Study) Genocide Intervention went on Facebook and looked up constituents that were in a home state of a senator and encouraged folks to call up campaign donors of the senator to help press for change.

(Case Study) Another cause was trying to get a major cola company to use their distribution channels in the developing world to help spread the word about dehydration, alternatively they used Facebook and social media to have the same reach.

Update: Speaking about the reach of YouTube, “everything you know about viral videos is wrong.” Viral is encouraging users to make their own version and to pass it on. Joe says a great example is a Greenpeace video that encouraged users to record their own short clip of putting a message in a bottle and passing it from one side of the screen to the other. Stitched together, it looked like one long chain message in YouTube.

(Side note: Colleen has interrupted three times so she wins the book, “Ultimate Blogs” by Sarah Boxer).

Question from Raul: “I’m not on Facebook, how do you reach people like me?”
Answer: Email, traditional marketing and cross-platform. On the way here Joe saw a poster for “Green Girls Gone Wild,” be creative in the corporate world and include new twists to help your cause. Also, be authentic don’t try to spin something for a cause that doesn’t look sincere.

Third Tuesday with Joe Solomon

“We can learn a lot from successes but we can also learn a lot from the failures,” says Joe.

Update: On to Twitter, using the hashtag system (like Twemes) to find relative thoughts, emotions, feelings and initiatives. Imagine collecting data that was hastagged like #girlfriend, if you just broke up in a relationship, then rating your happiness on a 1 to 10 scale. You could track topics like depression and find other users to form a support group and reach out or at least bring awareness.

Joe mentions the Frozen Pea Fund and how it raised support, money, awareness and how it became a huge thread on Twitter.

Tod, “is [the success] because it comes from a person and not a corporation?” do campaigns like this have more effectiveness because they have an actual voice and an authentic person behind them?

Tod, “do we turn to our internal people and make them the commercial? Do we find people who happen to work for the corporation and celebrate them?”

Joe quotes the Wired article by Clive Thompson, The See-Through CEO: “All of which explains why the cult of transparency has so many high tech converts these days. Transparency is a judo move. Your customers are going to poke around in your business anyway, and your workers are going to blab about internal info – so why not make it work for you by turning everyone into a partner in the process and inviting them to do so?”

Update: On to widgets, “then something cool,” although personally I think widgets are cool. Widgets are embeddable on blogs and show instant numbers and results, examples: Every Human Has Rights and The Nature Conservancy.

Update: Moving on to browsers… Firefox. You can create wiki profiles that anyone can edit that are available in a browser extension when you Google a company. For example, you Google Wal-Mart and you can see how many responses there are about the company and their accountability. I remember this platform from a DemoCamp a while back I think it was called RaytTheNet (this may not be the same thing but it sounds similar, and it’s from Joe). I believe the new name is “Know More”.

Question: How do you moderate the entries and make sure there is no messages of pure hate for the companies? How to balance criticism and praise? Should we fear the crowd-powered content?

My question: Is this like RaytTheNet?
Joe: “No, because that failed miserably.” All comments are moderated on KnowMore and we bring the data to the users, RaytTheNet was too lop-sided in term of being user-friendly.

A comment from the audience looks for a case study or example of a grassroots campaign of which a major company caught wind then took it on, spearheading the initiative that was already grown from the ground up by the ‘crowd’. Some social causes might not want to give up their grassroots cause and hard work simply for cash and a big brand name – or will they?

Update: Final note from Joe, “I am for hire!”

Wrapping up now, Tod asks if folks would be interested in a meetup in August and a poll will be going out soon to the Meetup group. Also, the group is looking for a venue that would be free and have enough room for everyone (or at least somewhere we know we can charge and put out the notice ahead of time).

Last item of the day, Tod’s got a book swap err.. sale including a super deal on an Apple Airport Extreme.

Sapperton Days 2008

Comments 4 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Photo credit: SqueakyMarmot on Flickr

Sapperton Days are back again this year, celebrating a great little heritage neighbourhood in New Westminster.

When: Saturday June 21st – Sidewalk Sale, 10am to 4pm and Sunday June 22nd – Street Festival, 11am to 4pm.

Where: Between Braid & Sherbrooke Streets on East Columbia, New Westminster

How to get there: You could drive or simply take the Millenium Line Skytrain to Sapperton and walk up the hill beside Royal Columbian Hospital until you get to Columbia Street. The fair starts one block after you hang a right.

More info: ShopSapperton

A few years ago I met up with Fin, the Vancouver Canucks mascot, over in Sapperton Park. We giggled, posed for a photo, and he blew steam out of his blow hole (okay I’m not too sure the significance of that) but it was all a part of a really fun day out.

The Art of Giving – Photography for a Cause

Comments 3 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Example of Kris Krug‘s
Photos on Flickr

I’m all about supporting a good cause through my site especially when it also involves supporting friends in the Vancouver techosphere.

Kris Krug founder of Static Photography, President of Raincity Studios, organizer of PhotoCamps and giver of playful nicknames will have five of his photos on display at an artshow next week.

Where: Orb Clothing, 2028 West 4th Avenue, Vancouver, BC
When: Thursday June 26th, 6:30pm

I’m so thankful to be included in this cool event and hope you all can come out and join me on the 26th for the opening and auction. This is only my third time showing my work publicly in this way. You know… Prints. Hung. On walls… and I’m totally excited. []

The Art of Giving exhibit will be at Orb Clothing and will also feature works from Rick Haywood, Zoe Pawlak, Judy Schallar, and Stephanie Wightman. Admission is free and 20% of proceeds will go to the non-profit of the buyer’s choice.

Metro Vancouver Park Series: Crescent Park South Surrey

Comments 3 by Rebecca Bollwitt

The Park Series is growing all the time, which I think is pretty fantastic. There are so many great green spaces around Metro Vancouver that are ideal for walks, hikes, picnics, and simply relaxing on the grass or sand. Crescent Park in South Surrey is another great suggestion that comes to us from Barbara of the Love Blog.

View Larger Map

How to get there: You can take the 351 Crescent Beach bus (same one you’d take to get to Crescent Beach or Blackie Spit) or driving along Highway 99 turn off on King George Highway heading South. From KGH turn onto Crescent Road and it’s between 132nd and 128th.

Photo credit: Barbara Doduk on Flickr

Features: Barbara pretty much sums it all up, “there is a wonderful duck pond in the middle of this lush park. Playgrounds for kids. Big fields for soccer & baseball on each side. Picnic areas. Big trails for walking in the trees. It is a very lovely park. My family live just a block away and we walk there a lot when I visit. The pond has some turtles now, which I hope to get some pics of next time.”

Photo credit: Barbara Doduk on Flickr

Notes: I have only been to the park once and that was during a high school cross country meet. The best thing about being in cross country in high school is that instead of running around a track you’re outdoors with fresh air, the smell of cedar trees, soft mulch to run on and mud to cake on your shoes – it’s always worth it though.

Dreaming of The Q Hotel in Kansas City

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

John and I are planning a trip down to Kansas City this summer to attend a birthday party which will more than likely be a giant family reunion. When shopping around for hotels in a city with which I’m not that familiar I rely heavily on the internet and its opinions. Frankly, TripAdvisor is a downer… everything has mildew in the showers, stains, and a missing TV remote. I started looking on,,, and almost everywhere else. I sorted by location (close to landmarks I knew of like the Plaza), by price, and by star rating.

Photo credit: Kansas City Royalty on Flickr

After searching for quite a while I finally came across The Q Hotel formerly The Quarterage Hotel which was renovated as recently as December 2007. It’s found in Westport, which is home to some of the oldest buildings in the city (19th century) made of brick and filled with bars, shops, and live music venues. Aside from location, it had everything else I was looking for… and most importantly free wifi.

According to their website The Q Hotel is Kansas City’s first GREEN hotel. It has an eco-plan that helped them earn this responsible and prestigious title from Energy Star appliances, bio-friendly cleaning products, water conservation, organic foods and wines, to sending leftovers to local farmers for composting. They also have a courtesy shuttle that’s a hybrid and offer up bikes so that guests can get around town. I’m pretty surprised there aren’t more initiatives like this with hotels around Vancouver.

I’d love to be able to stay here and blog about our experience at a green hotel. If anything, I would also like to be able to contribute a TripAdvisor entry that actually shines a positive light on hotel stays.