The Zolas: Ticket Giveaway

Comments 11 by Rebecca Bollwitt

The Zolas are playing an all ages show this Thursday at St James Hall in Vancouver.

Photo credit: Martin Cathrae on Flickr

I had the chance to meet the guys from the band in Whistler at the Schick Fashion Exposed event for the Telus World Ski and Snowboard festival. As they shared the stage with We Are the City, hopping on and off the runway to their setup, their set was slick.

You may have also seen Zach Gray from the band in the recent Arts Club production of Billy Bishop Goes to War or heard their song You’re Too Cool on The Peak.

I have two tickets to give away for their upcoming concert. If you would like to see The Zolas (with Brasstronaut) in concert May 6th please leave a comment on this post or include the following in an update on Twitter:

Enter to win tix to see @TheZolas in concert from @Miss604

A comment or tweet will get you one entry; I’ll draw a winner tonight around 5:00pm.

You can follow @TheZolas on Twitter for updates, news, and band information.

Update The winner of the tickets is Charlotte, congratulations and have fun at the show!

National Garage Sale for Shelter: Vancouver

Comments 3 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Vancouver is hosting a Garage Sale for Shelter on Saturday May 15th. This is inspired by the National Garage Sale for Shelter campaign from which proceeds are donated to local women’s shelters and violence prevention programs for youth and children via the Royal LePage Shelter Foundation.

When Saturday May 15, 2010 from 10:00am – 4:00pm
Where 3333 Main Street, Vancouver

Photo credit: Lisa M Lane on Flickr

Aside from the garage sale there will also be food, entertainment and activities for the whole family, including the staple bouncy castle.

If you would like to donate gently-used items for the sale they can be dropped off or if you contact the team in advance (especially for larger items) they can arrange pickup prior to the event.

More information can be found on the National Garage Sale for Shelter site and you can follow @shop4shelter on Twitter for updates.

GrapeJuice Wine Auction for Big Sisters

Comments 12 by Rebecca Bollwitt

The 3rd annual GrapeJuice Wine Auction for Big Sisters of BC Lower Mainland happens this Thursday in Yaletown.

Photo credit: rogersmj on Flickr

When Thursday May 6, 2010 at 6:00pm
Where V at Earls in Yaletown and McNeill Nakamoto created GrapeJuice to raise much needed funds to facilitate the matching process for over 100 at risk young girls on the Big Sisters waitlist.

Big Sisters of BC lower Mainland matches volunteer mentors with young girls who face a multitude of challenges. Many of the young children suffer from low-self esteem and social isolation due to poverty, abuse or neglect. For every Little Sister that is successfully matched with a volunteer mentor, a quiet revolution of hope takes place. It costs $2,000 to make and maintain one Big & Little Sister match for one year.

The auction will feature exclusive wines from around the world while guests enjoy hors d’oeuvres with plenty of mingling and socializing.

If you would like to attend this event, I have two tickets to give away. Please leave a comment on this post to enter or post the following on Twitter:

Enter to win tix to the GrapeJuice Wine Auction for Big Sisters from @Miss604

I will draw a winner at 10:00am tomorrow (Tuesday May 4th, 2010).

Update I just drew Cindy as the winner, congratulations and have fun at the event!

BC Place Stadium Deflated

Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

BC Place Stadium’s iconic “marshmallow” pillow-top roof will be deflated this week in preparation for major renovations and a new retractable roof.

Photo credit: John Bollwitt on Flickr

Plans for the retractable replacement were announced last October by Kevin Kreuger, Minister of Tourism, Culture, and the Arts. Krueger said the new roof would cut energy costs at the stadium by one quarter, or about $350,000 per year.

It will be the largest cable-supported, fully retractable fabric roof in the world, measuring more than four hectares in surface area. [CTV]

Weather-permitting you can watch the roof come down Tuesday May 4th at 11:00am.

Photo credit: John Bollwitt on Flickr

Once the renovations are complete, BC Place will be the home of the BC Lions for the 2011 Grey Cup season as well as Whitecaps FC. In the meantime both teams will play outdoors at a temporary stadium at Empire Field (aka Tempire Stadium) opening this June.

Should you have any photos of BC Place before or after the roof deflation, please feel free to add them to the Miss604 Flickr Group and I’ll showcase them here.

Update There is a time lapse video of the deflation on YouTube by Devo4969

This video was added to the Miss604 Flickr Group by Colin K

Another time lapse from shopgranville on YouTube

A time lapse by Vancity Allie on Vimeo

Update From a press release on the morning of May 4th:

“Almost 100 per cent of its 720,000 square feet of PTFE (Polytetrafluoroethylene) fabric and inner liner will be recycled, rather than going to a landfill. Following an inspection of the deflated roof, Burnaby-based Pacific Blasting and Demolition will remove the fabric and send it to a Minneapolis firm that specializes in recycling PTFE materials. There, it will be cut, patched, cleaned and repackaged for customer delivery. The other major component of the air supported roof, the steel cable system that has held the roof in shape since 1982, will be sent to ABC Recycling in Surrey, BC for recycling.”

Update The following are photos that have been added to the Miss604 Flickr Group:

BC Place 900am Deflation Day

BC Place Deflation - start

BC Place Deflation - 3/4

BC Place Deflation - Gone

All of the photos above were submitted by Photodreamz on Flickr.

Update The media list was sent photos from inside BC Place, taken as it was deflated:

BC Place Deflation from the inside BC Place Deflation from the inside BC Place Deflation from the inside

Update Some photos from Bev Davies:

looking south east more can be seen
Photo credit: Bev Davies on Flickr
this may be my favourite photo from the deflation
Photo credit: Bev Davies on Flickr
down to 20 feet above the floor level I hear
Photo credit: Bev Davies on Flickr
the golf ball (Science Centre)
Photo credit: Bev Davies on Flickr

Mental Health Camp 2010

Comments 6 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Last year my good friend Raul along with Isabella Mori (psychotherapist and blogger) started up Mental Health Camp, which was inspired by a panel hosted by Airdrie Miller at Northern Voice 2009. The event was such a success that they have added on to the organization team, secured a larger venue, and are expanding the program this July.

Into The Light
Photo credit: Sean Lande on Flick

“The motto for Mental Health Camp Vancouver 2010 is Breaking our Silence.  Setting us Free, Raul told me.  “We (Isabella and I) wanted to build on the success of last year’s MHC, where we began a conversation around how social media can help dispel myths around mental illness, and how the pain of silence, and how it impacts our mental and physical health.”

The conference is currently looking for speakers on a variety of topics and those who can speak from personal or professional experience with mental health or mental illness. “We are trying to bring awareness that depression, ADHD, anxiety and other mental illnesses should not be stigmatized,” added Raul. “We are trying to reduce the stigma by encouraging Mental Health Camp participants to speak about it”.

Mental Health Camp will take place July 10th, 2010 at the Aquatic Ecosystems Research Laboratory at UBC. You can follow updates and chatter online by searching for the tag #mhcyvr10 on Twitter or following @MentalHealthC.

May is Mental Health Month and this Monday is the start of Mental Health Week in Vancouver. In honor of this, CJSF 90.1FM from SFU will be live at Gallery Gachet on Cordova May 4th at 7:00pm with special musical guest Dan Mangan.