Covenant House Sleep Out Campaign

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It’s that time of year when the temperature drops, the night sky clouds over, frost forms, and I sleep outside on the asphalt in one of Downtown Vancouver’s back alleys. It’s a miserable night, but I only do it once. There are others who have to do it every single night, and that’s the life they have come to know. I’m preparing to participate once again in the Covenant House Sleep Out, an event that takes place at Covenant House locations across the world, supporting local homeless youth so that they don’t have to spend another night outside.

Photo by Covenant House

Covenant House Vancouver provides support on various levels: Crisis Shelter, Drop in Centre, Street Outreach, and Rights of Passage.

“Many of the kids have lived with violence or the threat of violence for much of their young lives. Feeling safe is a right we all have but one these kids have not enjoyed.”

Before we head outside on the night of the Sleep Out (which will be November 19th, 2015) we usually split off into groups and speak with youth clients and volunteers. It is always encouraging to meet kids who went from being homeless, to the crisis shelter all the way through to Rights of Passage, Covenant House’s program that prepares them for the bigger world.

Those in Rights of Passage actually pay (an affordable) rent and get full access to programs provided that they have a job or they are in school. They end up learning basics like grocery shopping and budgeting, and once they are through the program (6 months to 2 years) they are supported when they eventually move out, even welcomed to return for the weekly communal dinners. The care just keeps going to ensure the youth become self-sufficient, gainfully employed, successful individuals.

Photo by Covenant House

In 2013, my first Sleep Out year, over 600 participants around North America slept out for their local Covenant House. They raised over $3 million. Vancouver had 5% of the participants but raised 10% of the funds.

My Covenant House Sleep Out Campaign

CovenantHouseSleepOutNo child should be homeless.

This will be my third Covenant House Sleep Out and I only have a few weeks left to fundraise. I am asking you, as a loyal blog reader or as a first-time browser, to please consider supporting my campaign. Whatever amount you can spare can truly make a difference.

You can make your donation online today, tomorrow, and leading up to November 19th. Thank you very much for your consideration!

Follow Covenant House on Twitter and Facebook for more information.

11 Photos of Vancouver at Halloween

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Bright oranges and yellows dropping from the trees, pooling with the falling rain then flowing down the streets. It’s Halloween weekend in Vancouver and this season we’ve feasted on quintessential autumn sights: Corn mazes, pumpkin patches, cranberry bogs, and Jack O’Lanterns. Through it all, especially the wind and the rain, Vancouverites stay active, enjoy the city, and — most importantly in this case — they take some pretty amazing photos.

11 Photos of Vancouver at Halloween

Walking in an Autumn Wonderland

Rolling through autumn.

201510 Rondriso Farms Pumpkin Patch

2014-10-26 Ladner Westham Island Pumpkins 13

2015 Cranberry Harvest Season

children of the corn

Morning canoe


Halloween nights at Olympic Village

Full Moon over Vancouver

Happy Halloween!

Win the Broken Arrows EP from The Matinee

Comments 8 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Matinee-BrokenArrowsIn 2008, back when John and I still did an independent music podcast, we received an email to our general contact form online. It was from a guy called Matt, and he and his band (The Matinée) were going to play a show at The Wired Monk in Kitsilano. I ended up interviewing him for E!Online, back when I was also a contributor to the Canadian entertainment site, and we’ve kept in touch ever since.

7 years later, this talented and soulful roots/folk/alt-country group has gone from 6 members to 4, they have toured extensively across North America, have played major festivals like JUNOfest and Live at Squamish, placed within the Top 3 in the Peak Performance Project, have been named #2 Best Local Band by the Georgia Straight, released their album We Swore We’d See the Sunrise in 2013, and in recently completely four major Canadian tours.

It seems like the bus wheels keep on turning for Matt Layzell, Pete Lemon, Matt Rose and Geoff Petrie, but they’re now back in Vancouver and cooking up a new full-length album with a “more rock” feel. As a bit of a teaser, they have released the Broken Arrows EP featuring the popular track Call of the Wild, a new single Broken Arrows and three other tracks.

The band approached long time cohort Steve Bays (Hot Hot Heat, Mounties) with a batch of undercooked new songs and half-cooked dreams of the next album. Bays turned to the band and said, “No – we’re starting from scratch.”

With Bays and long-time collaborator Ryan Dahle (Limblifter, Age of Electric, Mounties) at the production helm, the band locked themselves in Vancouver’s fabled Greenhouse Studios for a week – raising their antenna to the noosphere, courting madness, reaching, stretching, rocking, and pretty much reinventing themselves.

The resulting collection of songs – the Broken Arrows EP – is palpable, not to mention infectious. The session captured a balance of risk and seasoning – something only achieved after years of friendship and collaboration, blood, sweat and tears shared on and off the road by these high school friends.

“It just worked,” concludes vocalist Matt Layzell, on the band’s week long trip to the outer rings of imagination. “It’s like a snapshot from a rest stop along the road of our evolution….and the view is pretty wild.” (Source: Bio)

If you would like to hear the latest from The Matinée, I have two copies of the Broken Arrows EP to give away. Here’s how you can enter to win:

  • Leave a comment on this post (1 entry)
  • Post the following on Twitter (1 entry)
RT to enter to win @TheMatineeMusic’s Broken Arrows EP from @Miss604

Follow The Matinée on Twitter and Facebook for more information. I will draw two winners at 12:00pm on Thursday, November 5, 2015.

More from The Matinée:

Update The winner is Ryan!

20 Years of Canuck Place

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Canuck Place Children’s Hospice is marking its 20th anniversary this year, after first opening its doors in November of 1995 and becoming North America’s first free-standing children’s hospice.

Glen Brae, 1690 Matthews Avenue (1910)

Having attended the annual Canuck Place Gift of Time Gala for a few years now, I have heard about their incredible work and impact in the community first-hand, from families and volunteers. In 20 years they have helped so many families and I wanted to share a bit more of their story.

20 Years of Canuck Place

Canuck Place supports over 600 of BC’s children and families with respite and family support, pain and symptom management for complex medical needs, art and education, recreation therapy, grief and loss counselling including music and play therapy, and end-of-life care.

“If you love something, love it completely, cherish it, say it, but most importantly, show it.”

“Everyday at Canuck Place I am reminded to make the most of every moment,” CEO Margaret McNeil told the audience of hundreds at the Gift of Time Gala this year. “It’s the courage of these families that reminds us how to be in our own lives.”

In 2009, Canuck Place recognized that we were reaching only 20-25% of children and families in need of pediatric palliative care in BC. Armed with passion, experience and a growing team of inspired individuals and partners, they embarked on a quest to open a second hospice location. The vision for Canuck Place – Dave Lede House, located in Abbotsford, was born.

Canuck Place Gift of Time Gala

The Gift of Time Gala is a wonderful event that showcases the love, care, and support the Canuck Place offers. Throughout the evening this year there were musical presentations, including some songs from Canuck Place music therapist Karin Roberts, as well as a story from a Canuck Place Family, the Rosses.

“We are here tonight because for many families, things don’t go as planned,” Regan Ross told the Gift of Time crowd. Regan and Amy’s daughter Gabrielle was on the Canuck Place program. The house served as a place of comfort for their whole family. Allowing them, and a specialized medical team, to tend to their daughter’s needs in comfort. After Gabrielle passed, her parents and brothers have relied on the Canuck Place counselling team and bereavement groups.

“How do you raise a child you know is going to die?” They told of their exhausting experiences at hospitals and how the staff at Canuck Place were like angels from heaven for them, it felt like they were being rescued when they were introduced. “You fall to your knees and Canuck Place picks you up.”

Canuck Place not only offers end-of-life care, but they work with families throughout the entire span of a child’s life; from the point of diagnosis and progression of illness, to death and beyond. They provide clinical care, respite care, nursing phone support, recreation therapy, counselling, end of life car, education & art, and more.

If you would like to support Canuck Place, there’s no time like the present to make your donation. Celebrating 20 years, let’s make sure they are around for another 20 (and beyond) to support BC families. Follow Canuck Place on Facebook and Twitter for the latest information about their community and events.

Indoor Trick or Treating in Metro Vancouver

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You know you grew up in Vancouver when you always planned out how well your Halloween costume would fit under a poncho or garbage bag. If it worked with gumboots, even better. It can be pretty miserable out during the last few days of October but if your kids have their heart set on dressing up, don’t let the rain spoil the fun. There are several options for indoor trick or treating in Vancouver, and beyond, this weekend:

Trick-or-treat 'Boo Bag' Tags

Indoor Trick or Treating in Metro Vancouver

What: Halloween Carnival at Coal Harbour Community Centre
When: Saturday, October 31, 2015 from 10:00am to 12:00pm
Where: Coal Harbour Community Centre Gym (, Vancouver)
Details: Halloween carnival and spooky graveyard (for ages 2-7). Enjoy creepy crafts, terrifying treats, eerie entertainment and much, much more. Come in costume. Parent participation is required. Pre-registration is recommended. $5/child $7/child on day-of event.

What: Halloween Trick or Treat at Capilano Mall
When: Saturday, October 31, 2015 from 2:00pm to 3:00pm
Where: Capilano Mall (935 Marine Drive, North Vancouver)
Details: Over 25 participating retailers including Purdy’s Chocolates, Dairy Queen / Orange Julius, Wireless Wave, and more.

What: Trick or Treat Parade at Willowbrook
When: Saturday, October 31, 2015 from 4:30pm to 5:30pm
Where: Willowbrook Shopping Centre (19705 Fraser Highway, Langley)
strong>Details: $2 per child up to age 12. Registration starts at 3:30pm at the following Willowbrook entrances: Sport Chek, Swimco, Tim Hortons, and Sashimi Sushi. Proceeds from the event will go to the Langley School District Foundation to support innovative and essential school programs for Langley students.

What: Halloween in the Forest
When: Saturday, October 31, 2015 from 10:00am to 2:00pm
Where: Surrey Nature Centre (14225 Green Timbers Way, Surrey)
Details: Learn fun facts about owls, bats, spiders and raccoons, enjoy Halloween treats, and meet the Forest Fairy. This indoor/outdoor event is perfect for families with small children. Free, drop-in, rain or shine.

What: Halloween at Wesbrook Village
When: Saturday, October 31, 2015 from 2:00pm to 5:00pm
Where: Wesbrook Welcome Centre (3378 Wesbrook Mall, UBC)
strong>Details: Free children’s trick or treating. Visit participating Wesbrook Village retailers for treats and vote for the best decorated store/costume for a chance to win a $50 Wesbrook Village Shopping Spree.

What: Halloween at Lonsdale Quay
When: Saturday, October 31, 2015 from 11:30am to 4:00pm
Where: Lonsdale Quay (123 Carrie Cates Court, North Vancouver)
strong>Details: Halloween story time 11:30am to 12:00pm; kids crafts and mini pumpkin decorating 12:00pm to 4:00pm; trick-or-treating on the Retail Level from 12:00pm to 4:00pm; face painting 12:00pm to 4:00pm ($).

What: Trick or Treat Central City
When: Saturday, October 31, 2015 from 4:00pm to 6:00pm
Where: Central City (10153 King George Boulevard, Surrey)
Details: Customer Service will be handing out treats for all kids. See stores with signs for participating tenants.

What: Trick or Treat at Brentwood
When: Saturday, October 31, 2015 from 4:00pm to 5:00pm
Where: Brentwood Town Centre (4567 Lougheed Highway, Burnaby)
strong>Details: The Brentwood trick or treat party will have child friendly entertainment, a live DJ, an interactive pumpkin patch and free candy.

What: Aberdeen Centre’s Halloween Spooktacular
When: Saturday, October 31, 2015 from 1:00pm to 5:00pm
Where: Aberdeen Centre (4151 Hazelbridge Way, Richmond)
Details: Participating Stores on all levels.

What: Halloween at Richmond Centre
When: Saturday, October 31, 2015 from 5:00pm to 6:00pm
Where: Richmond Centre (6551 No. 3 Road, Richmond)
Details: The CF Richmond Centre team will be handing out candy at Guest Services.

Check the full October event list for more activities and browse more Halloween events here.