Due to unforeseen circumstances my Blogathon Vancouver campaign will now be taking on a later shift instead of my original 5:00am to 5:00pm on Saturday. My “1 post every 30 minutes for 24 hours” will begin upon my return so I’ll pick up the Blogathon on the fly and go until Sunday. My cause of […]
There are only seven days left until a group of brave bloggers from around Vancouver (and Canada) join me in the inaugural Blogathon Vancouver July 26th. Based on the Blogathon of the past, which is not in operation this year, bloggers are encouraged to sign up, pick a non-profit of choice, collect pledges (which can […]
Often when people think of donating to a noble cause they think of dollar signs, however we all have much more to offer our fellow man than cash. Canadian Blood Services has launched a campaign to encourage those who have received blood to share their story and thank their donor through the power of the […]
The last time I was at Metrotown it was to sit on Santa’s knee with Keira that also happened to be when first I noticed the little train carting young ones and their parents around the ground floor of the mall. It wasn’t until recently that I discovered that the train provides more than mid-mall […]
It’s official, there will be a Blogathon in Vancouver this year (and by official, I mean that I created a wiki page with useful information and a sign up sheet). Based on the Blogathon of the past, which is not in operation this year, bloggers are encouraged to sign up, pick a non-profit of choice, […]