Blogathon Vancouver 2008: Meet the Participants – Ayeza

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Ayeza Garcia – The beauty of the Blogathon is that it can also introduce you to many other blogs that you may not have had the chance of spotting before. I’ve been able to explore Ayeza’s blog and aside from having a sleek layout it’s filled with great information from such a unique perspective.

Balikbayan box – translations:
BALIK means to come back.
BAYAN means hometown or homeland.
So if you put the words together, BALIKBAYAN means someone who is coming back home.
Balikbayan – refers to Philippine nationals who are permanently residing abroad including their spouses and children, regardless of nationality or country of birth. It also refers to those of Filipino Descent who acquired foreign citizenship and permanent status abroad. [Balikbanyan Box]

Ayeza’s website: Balikbanyan Box
Ayeza’s cause: Davao City High School – visit the website or there is a PayPal donation button on the blog.
Ayeza’s Blogathon motivation: “I finished my high school at Davao City High School now known as Davao City National High School. It is a public school but this school produces not just good students but very successful graduates. Through Blogathon Vancouver 2008 i would like to give back to the school who mold me to who i am now.” [BalikbanyanBox]

Blogathon Post #4 – Read all Blogathon Posts

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