Archive for the category "charity"

Crush Hunger with Monster Jam

Add a Comment by Rebecca Bollwitt

Big, thunderous, rip-roaring trucks are coming to BC Place but they have a soft spot when they’re not twisting metal and crushing cars. The Maple Leaf Monster Jam Tour is coming to Vancouver on January 26, 2013 but they’re making a special appearing next week to support the Greater Vancouver Food Bank. Photo credit: John […]

Stuff the Bus for the Surrey Christmas Bureau 2012

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Comfort Inn & Suites in Surrey is bringing back their Stuff the Bus Drive for a second year. The goal of the campaign is to literally stuff a bus full of donations for the Surrey Christmas Bureau that will be distributed among under privileged children and families. Last year they were able to fill the […]

Extra Helping Holiday Food Drive

Add a Comment by Rebecca Bollwitt

Thanks to the year-round efforts of campaigns like Five Hole for Food, the Greater Vancouver Food Bank (and food banks across Canada) stay top of mind. It’s during the holidays however that the pinch is felt the most for many and food banks really need your help to keep the shelves stocked. Real Canadian Superstore […]

Bright Nights in Stanley Park 2012

Comments 223 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Bright Nights in Stanley Park return for the 15th year to illuminate the forest with holiday cheer. Benefitting the British Columbia Professional Fire Fighters’ Burn Fund, the miniature railway and surrounding area have been transformed into a festive wonderland fit for Santa and his elves. New this year is extended weekend hours with Bright Nights […]

Santa Claus Parade 2012: Surrey and Vancouver

Comments 3 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Candies and costumes have been replaced with wreaths and ornaments on store shelves as we shift into the holiday season. Popular opinion is that it’s still too early to hear Christmas music but with December being just over two weeks away, plans are being made, gifts are being purchased, and many are ramping up for […]