The Vancouver International Flamenco Festival announces its spellbinding 2018 lineup of local and international flamenco artists, September 21-29, 2018 with free workshops and ticketed performances at various Vancouver venues. Enter to win a pair of tickets to a show from Miss604.
Adventures continue at Homfray Lodge! I spent most of the the day kayaking while John had some down time reading on the dock at this all inclusive resort along the remote waters of world-renown Desolation Sound.
The iconic Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte is back in Starbucks cafés across the country to celebrate its 15th year. Enter to win a $20 Starbucks Canada gift card from Miss604 to celebrate the season.
Setting Sail to a Secluded Resort in Desolation Sound with Pacific Coastal Cruises: Departing Lund, on the Sunshine Coast, and traveling by boat to Homfray Lodge. Part one of my multi-day series about my stay.
The 2nd annual Nanaimo International Jazz Festival will have the city’s downtown hopping for three days and nights with the beats and grooves of live jazz September 21-23, 2018. Enter to win passes from Miss604.