Granville Bridge Upgrades

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The City of Vancouver will begin work to upgrade the Granville Bridge this month in order to create a safer, more accessible crossing for walking, rolling and cycling. 

The work is part of the Granville Connector project, which includes converting two west-side travel lanes on the bridge to separated walking, rolling, and cycling routes, similar to the protected lanes on the Burrard Bridge.  

Granville Bridge upgrades 2023
Looking north. City of Vancouver rendering.

Granville Bridge Upgrades

Two lanes of traffic will be retained in both directions on Granville Bridge throughout construction. 

As work progresses, some lane and street closures will be in effect to facilitate construction. For up to six months, the portion of Granville Street between the Howe and Seymour Street ramps and Drake Street will be temporarily closed. During this time, pedestrians, vehicles and transit will be detoured to the Howe Street and Seymour Street ramps. 

  • Winter 2023
    • East loop closure 
  • Spring 2023
    • West loop closure 
  • Summer 2023 to fall 2023
    • temporary Granville Street closure with detour in effect
  • Spring 2024
    • opening of the new downtown street network

Sidewalks on both sides of the bridge and the Howe and Seymour ramps will remain open as much as possible throughout construction. 

To stay ahead of road closures throughout the city, visit this page or download the Van311 app for information on the go.   

Additional Improvements

Additional improvements include the installation of new traffic signals, wayfinding signage and the creation of an all-ages-and-abilities pedestrian and bicycle connection to the Arbutus Greenway at the south end of the bridge. 

The City will also be removing the loops that connect to Pacific Street at the north end of the bridge and replacing them with a new street network. The loops were originally designed for a high-volume freeway that was never built. The new street network will create opportunities for housing and local services on the City-owned land currently occupied by the loops. 

The first phase of the work starts on the north end of the bridge with anticipated completion of the project by fall 2024. 

Related: Archive Photos of the Day: Granville Street Bridge History

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