Spring Break at Burnaby Village Museum 2022

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Enjoy free admission during Spring Break at Burnaby Village Museum with special activities and games every day throughout the 10-acre open-air museum.

Spring Break Burnaby Village Museum
Photo submitted

Spring Break at Burnaby Village Museum

  • When: Monday, March 14 to Friday, March 25, 2022 daily 11:00am to 4:30pm
  • Where: Burnaby Village Museum (6501 Deer Lake Ave, Burnaby)
  • Admission: FREE! Ride the restored 1912 C.W. Parker Carousel for $2.65.

Take a step back in time during Spring Break at Burnaby Village Museum and see how homes and businesses used to look, while learning more about the different cultures that helped shape communities like Burnaby. Stop by the Burnaby Lake General Store to learn about popular store purchases in the 1920’s, and check out the Way Sang Yuen Wat Kee & Co. Herbalist shop in the Village to discover the role Chinese medicine has played in shaping communities like Burnaby.

Visit the Jesse Love Farmhouse to experience a historic family home, chat with the teacher at Seaforth School and learn about schooling in early Burnaby.

Enjoy learning about steam at the Steam Shed on Wednesdays, and watch a demo at Wagner’s Blacksmith Shop. In the Tram Barn, view Interurban Tram Car #1223, then grab a treat at the Ice Cream Parlour.

Burnaby Village Museum Tram Barn
Photo submitted

There’s a lot to see and do over two weeks! Follow Burnaby Village Museum on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for more info. 

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