Coho Challenge Virtual Run/Walk
byYou can show your support for the protection of our local rivers and streams, and preservation of our salmon by participating in the Coho Challenge Virtual Run/Walk this season.
The Coho Society of the North Shore’s festival is usually held the second Sunday in September, features the Coho Run, Coho Swim, a barbecue, main stage entertainment and the Squamish Nation Village. In order to continue to raise funds for their cause, organizers are offering a virtual run/walk option.

Coho Challenge Virtual Run/Walk
Register online and then between September 13th and October 12th, run or walk your distance (choose from 5km, 10km or 14km) on the course of your choice. Track your own time and distance, or you can use an app like Runkeeper, Strava. Upload your results weekly, and overall by October 13th and redeem your finishers’ certificate.
Each week of the the society will randomly draw prizes for those that have uploaded results that week (before midnight Saturday).
All net proceeds of this event go to the Coho Society of the North Shore who provide support to local organizations in river and stream enhancement projects that benefit the sustainability of salmon and other fish.
About the Coho Society
For four decades, the Coho Society has been a volunteer-run, environmentally based organization committed to supporting the protection and revitalization of North Shore salmon streams and rivers.
The objective of the society is to raise public awareness of current and potential threats to local waterways and fisheries and educating about the need to resolve these issues through protecting, enhancing and restoring salmonid habitats. The society helps to support volunteer-managed fish hatcheries and local environmental groups involved in stream protection. This work is done through partnerships between community stewardship groups, local government, First Nations and the business community, and concerned citizens.
Register today for the run (or walk) and follow along on Facebook for more info.