Nominations Open for the Giving Hearts Awards
byThe Association of Fundraising Professionals Vancouver Chapter (“AFP Vancouver”) is now accepting nominations for the 2020 Giving Hearts Awards.

Giving Hearts Awards
The Givings Hearts Awards honour outstanding individuals, volunteers, leaders, fundraisers, philanthropists and youth of Greater Vancouver’s non-profit and social profit community. Traditionally celebrated on National Philanthropy day (in November) by way of a luncheon event, this year AFP Vancouver will recognize recipients virtually.
“During this challenging and uncertain time, the spirit of generosity shines especially bright in our community. While we cannot all be together in person this year, we feel that it is important to recognize those offering a helping hand when it is needed most,” Kyle Tiney, CFRE, VP Community Engagement, AFP Vancouver.
Organizations and individuals have until June 12, 2020 to submit their nominations for the six award categories: Outstanding Philanthropist, Outstanding Legacy Philanthropist, Outstanding Corporation, Outstanding Small Business, Outstanding Youth Philanthropist and Outstanding Volunteer Fundraiser.
Find the online nomination form here »
Past award recipients have included Gordon and Leslie Diamond, the Beedie Family, Brenden Parker, Sandy So, David Podmore, Barbara Grantham, and Barbara Stewart. National Philanthropy Day has also had the pleasure of awarding companies for their work in our community, some recipients have been CIBC, National Tile LTD, IA Financial Group, and others.
For more information, follow AFP Vancouver on Twitter and Facebook #NationalPhilanthropyDay.