Downtown Vancouver’s Canvas Corridor

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The Downtown Vancouver Business Improvement Association (“DVBIA”), in partnership with the Robson Street Business Association (“RSBA”), has transformed another drab laneway in the downtown core into a vibrant and inviting public space. Eihu Lane, shared between Alberni and Robson Streets, is the location of the latest laneway revitalization project, Canvas Corridor, which has created a colourful outdoor art walk for all to enjoy.

Canvas Corridor

Downtown Vancouver’s Canvas Corridor

45 laneway-facing doors and vents from Burrard to Bute Streets provided a blank canvas on which to showcase unique work from local artists.

In collaboration with the SFU School for the Contemporary Arts and Vancouver Mural Fest, hundreds of artist submissions were received for the Canvas Corridor Project. A total of 27 artists will have their work featured in Eihu Lane, each piece contributing to the transformation of an under-utilized laneway into a bright, fun, pedestrian-friendly space. The project team worked closely with property owners and businesses to secure doors for the project.

Previous projects included Alley-Oop, a bold, pink and yellow-hued and playful public space located just off of Hastings and Granville and Ackery’s Alley, an outdoor performance space adjacent to the Orpheum Theatre, complete with an interactive light and sound installation in the heart of the entertainment district.

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