2014 Scotiabank Bowl for Big Brothers Classic

Comments 5 by Rebecca Bollwitt

The 2014 Scotiabank Bowl for Big Brothers Classic returns this spring as the largest fundraising event of its kind in North America.

Over 2,500 participants will take to their local bowling alleys as 250 team raise pledges in support of Big Brothers mentoring programs throughout the Lower Mainland. This is an opportunity to have a great time with friends, family, and colleagues while bowling, eating, drinking, all while giving back to a great cause.

2014 Scotiabank Bowl for Big Brothers Classic

Big Brothers of Greater Vancouver helps boys aged 7 – 14 who have limited to no contact with their fathers and are, as a result, considered at-risk to not reach their full potential. Matching them with positive adult male role models, the charity sees compelling impacts on boys who develop more confidence, perform better academically and are less likely to succumb to peer pressure. One in four local children is raised without an active father. There are currently 64 children on a waiting to be matched with a Big Brother.

2014 Scotiabank Bowl for Big Brothers Classic

When March through April 2014
Theme This year it’s “REWIND”, bringing back 35 years of classics.
Where Bowling centres throughout the Lower Mainland including REVS, The Zone Richmond, The Zone Coquitlam, Commodore.

Browse the schedule of special events, sign up to be an event volunteer, register to bowl, reserve your lanes, and check out some pledge-raising tips. You can also make a donation anytime.

Bowl for Big Brothers Vancouver Prize Pack

To promote registration, and all the fun that you will have with your Bowl for Big Brothers team this year, Big Brothers has put together an awesome Vancouver prize pack for one lucky Miss604 reader that includes:

This is a Twitter-only contest so you can only enter to win by sharing this message on Twitter. If you don’t have a Twitter account be sure to ask a friend to post this on your behalf and enjoy the prize together if they win!

  • Post the following on Twitter (1 entry)
Sign up 4 @BigBrosOnline #bowl4bigbros http://ow.ly/sTB1q RT to enter to win a Vancouver Prize Pack via @Miss604 http://bit.ly/bb604

I will draw one winner at random from all Twitter entries at 12:00pm on Wednesday, February 26, 2014. Be sure to follow Big Brothers of Greater Vancouver on Twitter and Facebook for more information.

Update The winner is @mmmelia!!

5 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. SanazMonday, February 17th, 2014 — 5:22pm PST

    It’s a great cause

  2. JenThursday, February 20th, 2014 — 12:02am PST

    Great cause!

  3. AiThursday, February 20th, 2014 — 4:40pm PST

    wonderful idea.

  4. KatieFriday, February 21st, 2014 — 5:38pm PST

    Wonderful prize. I haven’t checked out Chewies yet.

  5. cindyFriday, February 21st, 2014 — 9:24pm PST

    love it…what a great cause!

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