Neighbourhood Toy Store Day 2013

Add a Comment by Rebecca Bollwitt

Neighbourhood Toy Store Day is once again being celebrated at local, independent toy retailers across Canada on Saturday, November 9, 2013.

This one-day celebration encourages you to shop local and enjoy family fun with in-store specials, activities, discounts, deals, giveaways, and more. Participating retailers in the Vancouver area include:

NeighbourhoodToyStoreDayGranville Island Toy Company
Location: 3298 Main St, Vancouver
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The Village Toy Shop
Location: 262 Newport Drive, Port Moody
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Toy Jungle Park Royal
Location: 2022 Park Royal South, West Vancouver
Toy Jungle Morgan Crossing
Location: #N110 – 15850 26th Ave, Surrey
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Follow Neighbourhood Toy Stores of Canada (“A Canadian network of specialty toy retailers and their suppliers working together to provide a superior source of toys within our communities”) on Twitter and Facebook for more information.

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