VIFF 2013: Win Closing Gala Tickets
byWe’re at the halfway point of this year’s Vancouver International Film Festival, which will present over 500 screenings of 341 films from more than 75 countries, making it one of the largest and best attended film festivals on the continent. Many films have been enjoyed so far including the sold-out premiere of Leap 4 Your Life at the Rio Theatre, which I sponsored and which also won the Must See BC title.

Cast: Annette Bening, Ed Harris, Robin Williams, Amy Brenneman, Jess Weixler.
The Face of Love will close out VIFF with two screenings on Friday, October 11, 2013.
Annette Bening has always brought an emotional toughness to her best roles, so it’s remarkable in The Face of Love to watch her play a woman on the verge of breaking. Working opposite the always-reliable Ed Harris, she is as precise as ever, but her performance here also reveals a surprising vulnerability. This is a film that demands to be seen by all who count themselves fans.
Five years after the death of her beloved husband Garrett (Ed Harris), Nikki (Bening) meets a man who seems his exact duplicate. Not only does this stranger possess the same deeply lined face and startling blue eyes, he also shares Garrett’s kindness, humour, and passion for art. And yet he is a stranger.
Romance blossoms… but she can’t bring herself to tell him the truth about what drew her to him. So she hides her photos and prevents him from meeting friends and family. Still, she can’t resist taking him to all the old haunts. It isn’t a question of if the truth will come out, but when.
The first screening of The Face of Love will be at 7:30pm at the Vancouver Playhouse (the closing gala) and the second will be at 9:15pm at The Centre for Performing Arts.
As official sponsors of the Vancouver International Film Festival, Acura Canada is helping to keep things on track and on time with their stylish vehicles.
To wrap up VIFF this year they are offering up two tickets to the closing gala film and party to one lucky Miss604 reader. Here’s how you can enter to win:
- Leave a comment on this post (1 entry)
- Post the following on Twitter (1 entry)
I will draw one winner at random from all entries at 12:00pm on Tuesday, October 8, 2013.
Update The winner is Issy!
71 Comments — Comments Are Closed
Thanks for the contest!
That’s just amazing thanks SOO much to Miss604 for holding this contast !!! VIFF 2013 😀
I have yet to go to the closing Gala, would be a TON of fun!
I would love to attend
I have never been to the VIFF it would be nice to attend this time.
The Face of Love looks pretty good
Great opportunity!
I would absolutely love the chance to attend the closing Gala! Fingers crossed!
I would love to watch The Face of Love and to attend the party.
I would love to attend this!
Even though I enjoy VIFF every year, I have never been to the Gala. It would be nice to attend.
VIFF only!
Whoa, cool!
VIFF is my favourite festival of year!
I’ve never been to the Closing Gala. Would love to go.
There a lots of interesting movies this year!
This would be awesome! VIFF is great this year!
VIFF is awesome, i’d love to catch the closing gala!
Would love to go!
Would love to go – love Benning and Ed Harris – both great actors
I’ve been to VIFF a couple of times and have enjoyed their films. I’ve never been to the Gala, but I would like to attend. Thanks for offering this contest. =)
This sounds awesome!
this would be a fun date night with my wife!
Big fan of independent movies. This would be great. Thanks Rebecca for the chance to win.
Sounds amazing. I haven’t seen anything at the VIFF in a couple of years and I’d love to be able to.
I’d love to go!!
i’d love to go to the closing gala!
love VIFF!
Hey Miss 604, we have the same surname! Mrs and Mr 604 would love these tickets
This would be amazing to win! ♥
would love to go!
would LOVE to go to this!! exciting!
Would love to go.
I love the VIFF! I watched the Kill Team the other night and it was great.
What a great prize! Love VIFF and the galas!
I would give my right arm to go tot he closing gala. So many great films again this year!
Please please! Haven’t gotten a chance to go this year, just got back, used to go every year.
This looks like a really good film
Annette Bening is a babe.
I would love to go to the VIFF…I have never been to one before and the movie looks like a great movie.
Would love to go!
Would love to go to this
This year’s festival has been VIFF-tacular.
Thanks and congrats to VIFF on another successful year.
Would love to see this film!
What a great contest! The film sounds intriguing!
Gala gala gaaaalaaaa!
Thanks for making this a possibility 604 Mama!
I’d love to watch this!
I was just looking on craigslist for tickets to the closing gala party and stumbled upon this contest! How cool is that? 🙂
Gala awesomeness!! Yay VIFF
Love VIFF!
Fun night out with the VIFF. 😀
Would love to have a chance to go!
Would have loved to have attended all of VIFF this year so this would be it for me and GREAT to win!
Would love to check this out!!
I really want to see this film…
I’d love to win!!
Date night!
Looks like a great movie! Love to attend!
Vff is amazing
Would love to win!
Pretty please.
I would love to go
VIFF has been such a success this year. I would love to attend the closing gala.
Great cast! I don’t want to miss out on this amazing screening of The Face of Love~
Fingers crossed I would love to go 🙂
I got to see one VIFF film, would love to go to the closing gala 🙂
Would love to win this!!
I would love to go there!
I would love to go!