Vancouver Alley Photos
byWe get nostalgic about the strangest things in Vancouver, it’s probably one of our signature traits. This morning I read an article by Dan Mangan that reminisced about our old bus stop shelters and this week the WestEnder (WE Vancouver) published a cover story about Vancouver’s alleys. The story gathered opinions from public figures and historians about which lane was their favourite and why.
Our recognizable alleyways, filled with colourful artwork and odorous dumpsters, have often been featured in film and television as well. Spot the alley in the latest episode of Fringe or old Dark Angel re-runs or when Bastian is chased down Trounce in the NeverEnding Story. While Stanley Park and the Gastown steam clock are the most-photographed attractions in Vancouver, I’d have to say — as odd as it may sound — our alleys would at least fit on a Top 10 list.

Photo credit: AntonTeterine & AntonTeterine on Flickr
Photo credit: Questa_Durran on Flickr
Photo credit: BillXu Photos on Flickr
Photo credit: stv. & stv. on Flickr
Photo credit: awaber on Flickr
Photo credit: dahliaphoto & dahliaphoto on Flickr
Photo credit: dahliaphoto on Flickr
If you want to learn more about alley history, check out the Forbidden Vancouver Walking Tour or a walking tour with historian John Atkin. Heritage Vancouver and the Vancouver Heritage Foundation have more information as well.
All of the photos in this post were submitted to the Miss604 Flickr Pool. Please click through on each image to see more from the photographers.
1 Comment — Comments Are Closed
WOW!! Those are fantastic!