Team Awesome’s Polaroid Party
byTeam Awesome, a local group of creative individuals, is hosting a fundraising event at Canvas Lounge in Gastown on January 13, 2012 that will feature Polaroid images from 20 BC photographers.
What Team Awesome’s Polaroid Party
When 8:00pm on Friday, January 13, 2012
Tickets Available online
Includes Entertainment from DJ Yurie and DJ Marvel + DJ Seko of The Freshest. Admission includes 1 free drink at the party and entry into a draw to win a Polaroid camera with film. This is a 19+ only event.
Team Awesome is “a collection of creative, forward-thinking organizations, businesses, communities within Metro Vancouver” and they’re all working together to send children to school in Ethiopia (through Imagine1Day) and India (through Dalit Freedom).
One of the event’s participating photographers is Kris Krug (of Static Photography), who has recently being doing some Gulf Island living. He told me that he’d give his photo series the titile: “Hermit: A Winter on Galiano Island”. While he wouldn’t tell me what his photos are, I did get an education in Polaroid technology.
“Did you know the Polaroid camera uses sonar to do autofocusing? Like a bat or a dolphin it bounces sound waves off the subject and uses the information to determine the distance between photographer and muse.”

Photo credit: kk+ on Flickr. BarCamp Wall-O-Love 2006 (actually the first time Kris took our photo).
Krug added, “I’ve shot less than 100 boxes of Polaroid film in my life. Each shot definitely feels experimental. I find the process freeing and see the instant analog camera as a mobile photographic laboratory.”
You can check out his Polaroids along with snaps from 19 others including Sean Dalin, Kane Hopkins, Jaqueline Bartel, Danaea Davies, Lucas Lawrence, Leah Gregg, Sincerely Hana, Shawn Lee, Brady Olson, Darian Kovaks, Kelly Swanson, Dmitri Litvinov, Tom Nugent, Zach Bulick, Jackie Chong, Clint Olemaniec, Dallas Froese and Jered Love.
Each Polaroid will be for sale for $10 with all proceeds going to Team Awesome’s Imagine1Day & Dalit Freedom causes. Tickets for the event are currently on sale. You can find out more by following them on Twitter or Facebook.
Team Awesome was founded by partners Social City Networking INC, Capitol, Dalit Freedom Network, and Imagine1Day.
1 Comment — Comments Are Closed
Thanks for spreadin’ the word Rebecca! Really appreciate it! Hopefully see you there 🙂