The Amazing Hunt 2009

Comments 4 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Over the last five years Bill Lin has been organizing The Amazing Hunt in various communities around the Lower Mainland. He operates private races for corporate or group teambuilding, as well as public races where any pair can sign up to compete. The idea is similar to the hit TV show The Amazing Race although it’s got a more personal and tailored twist to it.

The Amazing Hunt

My first Amazing Hunt was in 2007 and since that time Bill’s evolved the race and added features alongside the TV series — so it’s got everything from Yields and Merges to U-Turns. Bill also produces a video (now in HD) of the entire race so it really feels as though you’re on a reality series. They’re with you every step of the way and then you can watch the professionally produced footage shortly after your event.

The next race is July 11th and will be transit-only, meaning you’ll need to get your team from task to task while only using public transit. I believe you can still register your team for this event, and there’s also a SkyTrain-only race coming up September 5th.

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4 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. Kristi FergusonTuesday, June 9th, 2009 — 8:18am PDT

    Cool! I haven’t done one of these since 2007 either… sounds like it’s evolved quite a bit since then. I’m going to try and register for the July 11th one, such fun!

  2. Mom604Tuesday, June 9th, 2009 — 9:05am PDT

    If you do take part again in the future, please do not send your pregnant sister into a corn maze on the hottest day of the year with not water. Thanks, hon.

  3. Miss604Tuesday, June 9th, 2009 — 9:08am PDT

    @Mom604 She volunteered 😀 It gave her a sense of urgency and she put us in like 2nd place after that leg 😉

  4. The Amazing Hunt Canada Line Race » Vancouver Blog Miss 604 by Rebecca BollwittTuesday, July 28th, 2009 — 11:47am PDT

    […] Amazing Hunt is coming to the Canada Line. A while back in my Amazing Hunt 2009 preview post there was mention of a Skytrain race and it’s now been confirmed that it will take place in […]

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