Warner Bros Holiday Release Preview

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Last night we headed to an event hosted by Warner Bros to celebrate their upcoming releases. With Christmas trees laced with DVDs it was pretty clear the objective was to give us all some stocking stuffer ideas, and I admit that it worked.

Photo credit: John Bollwitt on Flickr

The evening had a Dark Knight theme that saw several people dressed up as characters from the film, and I had the chance to pose in front of a green screen and get my photo taken with Batman himself.

Photo credit: John Bollwitt on Flickr

Photo credit: John Bollwitt on Flickr

Photo credit: John Bollwitt on Flickr

We had to duck out, just as more and more people arrived for appies, drinks, and networking, since we had another film event to attend.

However, we didn’t leave empty-handed as a backpack / swag bag was handed to us at the door. It contained a hockey DVD, Sidney Crosby On the Ice and Beyond (to be released October 7th), a t-shirt, a button, and the first episode of True Blood on DVD. It also contained the best swag item I’ve been receiving this year – a Sigg bottle. I think the most-used swag and conference loot I’ve ever received has got to be sigg bottles and USB thumbdrives.

swag bag

There was also a flip book (with a Joker on the back of each of the cards) featuring some upcoming HD, DVD, Television, and collector sets. I admit, although the entire evening was purely for Warner Bros marketing purposes (I knew this going in) but I’m pretty excited to see that on November 4th a special collector tin of A Christmas Story will be available complete with chef’s apron, cookie cutters, recipe book and retro tin.

I wish we could have stuck around longer, but I did enjoy the movie we saw, for which I’ll have a write up available soon. As for The Dark Knight DVD and Blu-Ray, it will be available in a few more weeks.

1 Comment  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. JackFriday, October 17th, 2008 — 5:23am PDT

    Warner Bros Holiday Release Preview<- very good this article..i put this article to my bookmarking…thx for post..

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