Confetti Making
by I try to cut down on paper bills so I request online billing whenever I can but sometimes that’s not an option. Either that or you forget your login information so instead of resetting your account password they just start sending you mail again… people powered… whatever……
Today we bought a Mailmate and I spent the entire afternoon shredding pieces of paper that contain personal information about John and I. The Mailmate handles BC Hydro bills perfectly although I find folding Rogers statements emits a more satisfying crunching noise. My lungs are now filled with paper dust but it was a blast and I totally felt like Kevin:
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Oh wow, I am so jealous! I have a paper bag under my desk full of stuff that needs to be shredded, and no shredder…that one looks great, it’s not as big as the usual ones…how much was it if you don’t mind my asking?
I think it was $60… I may have shredded the receipt….
haha… hmm, that’s not too bad. might have to put that on next weekend’s to do list…
I was at Staples yesterday looking at shredders. I’ve been manually ripping up bills as fine as I can to get rid of them. A shredder is so much more fun!
Costco had a little desktop shredder for like $20 the other week, but I doubt it’s still there. I want a shredder!! lol
Hrmm so if I put in a head of lettuce into a shredder I too can make Salad huh? Sweet!
[…] of the Privacy Commissioner also has some tips for savvy consumers, I personally like the one about shredding. Hopefully by the end of 2007, retailers and restaurants in our international city will be up to […]
The multifacet use of shredder which has Convenient – feature Auto On/Off and reverse function to clear overloads. Secure – Choose from straight-cut or higher security / bulk reducing cross-cut models.